Tag Archives: wtf

WTF: MMDA proposing to ban cars two days in a week

The geniuses over at MMDA are proposing to ban cars two days in a week.Why oh why are there people in the government thinking this way? With this kind of thinking then why not three days in a week? How about four? How about ban cars altogether? That ought to solve the traffic problem. Sheesh! Talk about killing the patient to free up hospital beds.

It’s elementary but maybe it’s worth stating for the sake of the people at MMDA: Transportation of people and goods is the objective. Traffic congestion is the problem. How about solving the problem while preserving the objective? Finding solutions may not be easy but that’s what you’re there for. That’s what you’re being paid for!

How about some ideas as well? Improve the existing mass transit system capacity (MRT, LRT), expand mass transit system (say PPP), unify intra-city bus system, get rid of provincial-route buses within the city, get rid of colorum buses, get rid of jeepneys and tricycles on the major thoroughfares… Beyond Metro Manila: develop other cities, improve intercity transportation. Oh right, you’ve thought about them. You just don’t find them easy. But nobody said it was easy. Again, that’s what you’re being paid for!

WTF: Money Ban

The seasonal dictatorship that is the Commission on Elections (Comelec) has imposed a ban on cash withdrawals if more than P100,000 from banks and other financial institutions. They are also banning possession, transportation, and carrying of more than P500,000.

And for what? For its detrimental impact on trade and commerce what do you get in return? There may be a money ban but you can bet there will still the same vote buying. There’s a gun ban but many, even more than normal, are killed during the election period. There’s a liquor ban but people still choose the wrong candidates.

WTF: Overpopulation is Good for Filipinos?!?

Read on this article about this bishop claiming that overpopulation is good for Filipinos because it has increased the number of overseas workers and migrants who could send remittances back home while taking care of ageing people abroad and spreading the Christian faith. That many Filipino women would make “good wives” for foreigners in countries that have low population growth. Finally, that poverty is not a problem. poverty even brought people “closer” to God and was instrumental in realizing God’s plan for Filipinos to take care of other nationalities by inducing migration and working abroad.

Seriously?!? I don’t even want to talk about the “good wives” for foreigners bit. But regarding poverty, unfortunately, OFWs is a small percentage of the Filipino population (10% as of 2010) and certainly few from those living below the poverty level (around 20% as of 2009). The poor have limited access to proper nutrition, shelter, health care, and of course, education which is quite important if you aspire to be an OFW. So how can poverty not be a problem?

You’d think such regressive thinking could only be found in the medieval ages until you realize that the church as an institution is a vestige of the medieval era. Surely, change is needed. Certainly we have no need for church leaders with such mindset.

WTF: Batangas Sign On Taal

It seems the provincial government of Batangas has approved putting up a huge sign a la Hollywood on Taal. Apparently they’re unhappy the scenic volcano being mistaken as part of Tagaytay (which is in the province of Cavite) since that’s where people usually go to view it. While at it they should tattoo “Batangas” on their foreheads so nobody will mistake them to be from anywhere else!