There was an office emergency today. It was mid-morning when I received a call from the office requesting for help. I called people up one by one but ended up Aby’s the only one available. I asked her if she can go to the office. I felt a bit guilty about her going to the office on a holiday so I decided to also go. I got to the office first. She arrived after a few minutes and we were able to fix the problem. It was just a loose cable. Darned emergencies!
MBA Graduation Day
Graduation Day! Sure technically it was over with the last exam. But the ceremonial graduation day makes it formal and official. Finally, after three long years of hard work and fun, of frustration and joy, it really is over. I gained a lot of knowledge during those three years. But more than what I learned are the friendships that were forged during those times. Classmates became friends, friends who help you pull through the long nights of classes, studying, and exams. So to Ed, Rose, Rizza, Beth (and Banjo), Trina, Val, Wil, Glenn, Roche, Clare, Calen and all other classmates turned friends: It’s been a great ride. THANK YOU for being with me! I know, that we will remain friends forever. This song is for you guys.
Of Roadworks, Politicians, and the People
While at the laundry, I took notice of some roadwork that was blocking the storefront. It’s because it is election time, the staff commented. I’ve never given it much thought before but I realized the truth to what she said. But why do politicians fix roads often when elections are close? Conventional wisdom say that they do it to ensure that the voters remember their names and vote for them come elections. Is this how short our memories are? Would you really blame the politicians if they to take advantage of this fact? Taking this a step further, the politicians are really just responding to how the people act. Thus, our politicians are really our products. Before we bemoan our politicians, shouldn’t we look at ourselves first?
Free Speech?
Just found out that a schoolmate and batchmate, Gemma Bagayaua-Mendoza, was arrested and jailed for libel. I didn’t know libel is an arrestable charge here. And it doesn’t even have to be proven that you’re guilty in court. Someone can just file libel charges at you and the police will come knocking on– or worse, kicking down– your door and arrest you. This in a country supposedly where free speech is allowed. To add insult to injury, she wasn’t able to post bail and leave the jail right away because the office in charge of the precinct was not around. More here.
It’s Over
The last exam was finally done. After a quick snack courtesy of the MBA Program Director, after hasty goodbyes, after three years of studying, taking exams, discussing cases, MBA is finally over. In a way, it was a bit sad. Despite the adversity, it has been quite fun and enjoyable so how could it be happy? But I guess there are no happy endings, only happy beginnings. So here’s to a happy beginning!