Tag Archives: starcraft

Starcraft II Is Out!

Finally, 10 years after the first, Starcraft II is out! How big an event is this? BIG! We’re talking about a game that has sold over 11 million copies, still being played all these years, and is Korea’s national sport. They even declared today an official holiday. Of course, there’s a lot of unofficial and personal holidays elsewhere today.

It is doubtful if it can better the original but time will tell (like maybe 10 years) but it looks great, modern, and fun in its own right. There’s no LAN play which was arguably one of the reasons why the original is so popular. That’s a bummer but we can do without that anachronism as shown by World of Warcraft. Maybe it will even force those ISPs to drastically improve their service.

Looks like I’ll be needing a new gaming computer.