Tag Archives: reviews

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

It’s a shame that subtitled movies don’t make too much in local cinemas because this means few, if any, subtitled movies end up being shown. This means most people end up with just local movies (which have a long way to go) and the usual Hollywood fare. Unfortunately, they’re missing out on a lot because there’s a whole bunch of good foreign language movies out there, French, Chinese, Korean,  and even, in this case, is Swedish.

It’s a good thing you have a choice and don’t have to rely on the local cinemas. With a little bit of application of technology here and there, you can enjoy foreign language movies in the comfort of your own home. I’m talking DVDs and BluRays here :|

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Uncharted is an interactive movie. That’s how I can most accurately describe it. The label interactive movies has been used often but I’ve seen nothing close to how Uncharted seamlessly integrates the elements of a game and movie into one.  The gameplay, acting, cinematography, and direction is superb. It’s not perfect but it’s about the best there is.

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I finally finished Bioshock today. It took some time because of two things. First, Michelle gave me Batman: Arkham Asylum for my birthday just as I was about to start. I’m a Batman fan. So it was no contest.

The other reason is that the game is so frustratingly difficult. And it has no checkpoint system common to newer games. There’s a resurrection mechanism called “vita-chambers” but it leaves you with less than what you started with. I had to resort to save-play-die-reload cycle so many times. In the more difficult sections, I was seeing the load screen more than actually playing. It didn’t help that the saved games take so long to load!

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I finally watched Avatar. And since everyone has watched it already… twice even, I won’t get into too much detail. Due to scheduling issues, I wasn’t able to watch it in 3D and after watching, I was like what’s the big deal?!? It seems the big deal is the 3D and that’s about it.

The acting is so-so. The story is… well if you’ve read or seen Pocahontas then you know the story. Good but definitely not fresh. The action is probably good if you have been good if you enjoy military-industrial military going against stone age military. I don’t.

No surprise, in the end the stone age military won. Mainly due to the aid a whole bunch of animals some of whom are invulnerable to lead or even depleted uranium anti-armor shells. The last one wasn’t stated explicitly but you would expect mecha to be carrying those.

Overall, a reasonably enjoyable movie but not really great.

Rating: 3/5 (could have earned a extra point if I watched in 3D)


There’s a recent spate of vampire movies brought on by the Twilight series (yeech!). Of course, this is nothing new, there’s the Lost Boys, the Blade Series, the Underworld series, etc. But Daybreakers is a vampire movie with a twist: Instead of humans being the majority, vampires are. It does make sense when you think of it. After all, vampires are vastly superior to humans in a fight. And humans are a dwindling food resource hunted and, eventually, farmed. And so in this, alternate world, an intrepid group of human rebels work to freeing humanity and creating a cure for vampirism. Aside from this unique twise, there’s some action and a bit of human (vampire?) drama injected in.  The result is novel,  entertaining, and fun (in a gory kind of way, if you’re into that kind of thing).

Rating: 3/5