Tag Archives: python

Training YOLO to Detect License Plates

The nice thing about ChatGPT and similar systems is that the complexity of AI/ML functionality is hidden behind a friendly natural language interface. This makes it easily reachable to the masses. But behind this easy to use facade is a lot of advanced functionality that involve a sequence of data processing steps called a pipeline. An AI-powered business card reader, for example, would first detect text and then recognize the individual letters within the context of the words they belong to. A license plate reader would be similar. Detection is an important process that you often need in your AI/ML projects. And that’s why we will be looking at YOLO.

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Preprocessing Images For Recognition

We have previously through the process of recognizing numbers utilizing our artificial neural network (ANN). If you haven’t gone through that post on, you can do so now. However, we ran the recognition task on images from the MNIST dataset. Even though we used the test data, it’s still cannot be considered real-world. It’s clean, well-labeled, and structured, with a lot of the noise and ambiguity removed.

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