Tag Archives: online

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin

The Remarkable Life of Ibelin tells the story of Mats Steen, a young man who spent most of his childhood and life in a wheelchair due to Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, but found freedom in the virtual world to do what he couldn’t in the physical one. His unique circumstances highlighted an aspect of life that many still fail to grasp. Many parents scoff at or even sneer at computer games and online social interactions. But whether we like it or not, the digital aspect of our lives is real and profoundly influential. It brings people together, bridging distance and even time. In Mat’s case, it even transcended the limits of physics. As parents, we need to accept it and take it seriously. To quote Mats’ father, Robert: “We should have more respect for it and more understanding. And when we have more respect and understanding, we can also reassume the role of parents in the digital lives of our children.”