Tag Archives: nissan


Just after lunch yesterday, Michelle called that the Sentra’s engine was smoking and it stank. Signs of an overheat. Good thing she had already stopped the car. So I just asked her to let the engine cool, replenish the water in the coolant reservoir, and proceed to the parking.

Some helpful passersby also advised her to pour water over the radiator but I’m not too sure that helped much. Since the engine is off, coolant (if there is any left) is not circulating and that would mainly cool down the radiator and not the engine.

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Kumho Ecsta SPT

The Sentra’s Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3 tires are rather old at over 5 years old. Almost all the tires have been cold-patched at least once for punctures, there are some cracks, and the tread is already at the minimum depth. It’s high time for a new set of shoes!

My first choice is of course the Goodyear Eagle F1 GSD3 as they performed pretty well for day-to-day drive and wore out quite long for performance tires. But they’ve become rather expensive and they’re not even in stock for the size I need (205/50/R16).

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