Tag Archives: mice

A4Tech X-710 Gaming Mouse

I bought a new mouse last sunday. I decided to get a new one because although my previous mouse is still working, it is not ergonomic and not responsive because of its ball mechanism. It was also already scraping material off my tabletop because the mouse “feet” had already fallen off. My friend Vinz, who was also looking for a mouse because his mouse is also not ergonomic and was probably a major contributor to his shoulder ache.

I had wanted a Razer or Logitech gaming mouse but they were either hard to find or too expensive. Luckily we chanced upon some A4Tech gaming mice at one shop. We tested a few. They felt right and the price is also right so we each got one. I also had good experience with my second mouse ever, also an A4Tech, so the choice was easy.

The build was excellent. Almost as good as a good Logitech mouse. Mine has a matte black finish with glossy black trim. It is symetrically shaped: important for a lefty like me. It has the usual primary button, secondary button, and wheel. In addition, it has 2 thumb buttons on its left side for additional functions. Unfortunately, it is only easily accessible to right-handers. Somewhat disappointing but no matter, I mostly just use the standard controls anyway. At the bottom is not 4 but 6 mouse feet, for better gliding. Finally, it has a thin mouse cable to reduce drag.

Its optical mechanism can be switched between 400, 600, 800, and 1200 dpi resolutions with just the press of a selector button situated unobtrusively behind the wheel. When you change dpis, the wheel changes color from white, to green, to yellow, to red. This dpi switching mechanism allows you to easily and quickly switch mouse responsiveness depending on your needs e.g. office applications, to RTS (real-time strategy) game, to FPS (first-person shooter) game. I kept mine at red or 1200 dpi. Not only because I like the response at that resolution but the red glow is so cool and sinister as befit a gaming mouse.

As expected, the mouse was very responsive in actual use: office applications and Starcraft. Unfortunately I couldn’t test it with an FPS game since my laptop doesn’t meet system requirements. However, I’m sure it would perform just as well.

Rating: 5/5

Lefty Logitech Mouse

Lefties of the world rejoice! Logitech will soon release a left-handed version of their leading-edge MX610 laser mouse. It seems Logitech’s CEO is a southpaw and he may have pushed for the design and development of a left-handed version. He would know that lefties would be bleeding-edge early adopter kind of people ;) Now if only they have it in Thinkpad Black.