Tag Archives: laguindingan

Laguindingan International Airport

After so many delays, the Laguindingan International Airport finally opened last June 15, 2013. And today I was finally able to see it. It was quite impressive. Definitely better than the old Lumbia Airport (which is a pretty low bar admittedly).

As I previously mentioned, the airport strategically situated between CDO and Iligan. It is just about an hour away from either cities. Soon we can expect a wider highway between the two cities and maybe even a high-speed railway system. This increases the potential for an influx of more tourists, investments, business opportunities, and general benefit to the region’s economy.

For example, the airport is far from densely populated urban areas (as it should be) but I can already see there will be a level of development in the surrounding areas as a direct result of the airport opening. That in itself is already an big economic benefit to the local economy.