Tag Archives: gmail

Nokia Messaging On The E51

One gripe I have with the Nokia E51’s built-in email client is that it doesn’t display HTML. Nor does the GMail mobile client. I’ve heard about the downloadable Nokia Messaging app which is already built-in to newer Nokia handsets but I’ve put off downloading it until now.

To get it, you’ll need to go to the Nokia Messaging website and create an account. You can use your GMail account to jump start account creation. Once you have an account, you provide your phone number, select your phone model, and a download link to the Nokia Messaging app for your phone is sent via SMS. Click the link, download, and install.

There are a few more things that you might have to configure:

  1. Go to Tools->Settings->General->E-mail key setting. Set E-mail key to Nokia Messaging email.
  2. Go toTools->Settings->General->Personalisation->Standby mode->Active standby plug-ins. Uncheck the Default e-mail notif. and Act. standby mailbox plug-ins.
  3. Set Tools->Settings->General->Personalisation->Standby mode->One-touch keys->Messaging key. Set both short press and Long press to “Default setting”

New email will now appear on the standby screen. A short press on the messaging key will get you to the Inbox and a long press take you to Compose screen. And you can view your email in HTML glory!