Tag Archives: gadgets

iPhone 5s Case

iphone5scasefrontI’ve said that putting the gorgeous iPhone inside a case generally fuglifies it. But there are exceptions such as the Sena UltraSlim Leather Pouch that I used for the iPhone 4/4S. And now there’s the Apple iPhone 5s Case.

Probably one of the things that Apple learned from the antennagate controversy is that bumpers and casings are good business. So along with the recent iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s, they released corresponding casings. The iPhone 5c case looks like Crocs and won’t be mentioned again. Ever.

The iPhone 5s case is a full back and side coverage case made of aniline leather reinforced with plastic. The inner side of the back is lined with a soft velvety material to protect the glass and aluminum back of the phone from scratches. That’s three layers but the overall casing is still very slim. The power and volume buttons are covered but remain easy to use. There are precision-cut(!) cutouts and holes for the Lightning port, silent switch, headphone jack, camera, and speakers. The holes for the speakers are especially neat.


The case comes in several conservative (black, brown, tan) and trendy (blue, red, yellow) colors. Supposedly the aniline dyeing process infuses the color deep into the leather and not just on the surface. This means that minor scuffs might not be very visible. Unfortunately, aniline leather is rather fragile and in this case, no pun intended, rather thin. This case is definitely more stylish than protective. But I believe that’s the intent. A premium case for a premium phone. It is a perfect match for the iPhone 5s.



The New iPads vs The Old

The Apple event is over. As expected, there were the Mac and Mavericks announcements. But there was no new Apple TV. And the iPad announcement was a bit of a mixed bag. Between the iPad Air and the iPad 4, the changes are the form factor (smaller and lighter) and the A7 processor. Between the iPad mini Retina and the iPad mini, the changes are the Retina display and the A7 processor. Which is not to say they weren’t impressive technical feats. On the contrary. Slimming down the iPad and significantly improving processing power while retaining the top-notch battery life was pretty good. Fitting into the iPad mini a Retina display and significantly improving processing power while retaining the form-factor and top-notch battery life was even better. However they do come at increased prices. It appears Apple doesn’t want to squeeze its margins. That, along with a supply squeeze, may also be the reason why they decided not to throw in Touch ID. Now that was disappointing.

iPhone 5c: C is for Cheaper

I believe the iPhone 5s is a good phone. The iPhone 5c? Ummm let’s just say the iPhone 5s provides the better value and that’s where Apple’s emphasis is on. The mid-tier and low/free-tier phones are there only to provide coverage. But here are the numbers as to why I think Apple came out with the iPhone 5c.

Below is the pricing before the iPhone 5s arrived,  the pricing if Apple had’t released the iPhone 5c, and the current pricing.

  Subsidized Selling Price Unsubsidized Selling Price iSuppli Est. Cost Gross Margin Gross Margin % Gross Margin % Change
IPhone 5 64GB 399 849 238 611 71.97%
IPhone 5 32GB 299 749 217 532 71.03%
IPhone 5 16GB 199 649 207 442 68.10%
iPhone 4S 16GB 99 549 196 353 64.30%
IPhone 4 8GB FREE
iPhone 5S 64GB 399 849 218.3 630.7 74.29% 2.32%
IPhone 5S 32GB 299 749 208.1 540.9 72.22% 1.19%
IPhone 5S 16GB 199 649 198.7 450.3 69.38% 1.28%
IPhone 5 16GB 99 549 207 342 62.30% -2.00%
iPhone 4S 8GB FREE
iPhone 5S 64GB 399 849 218.3 630.7 74.29% 2.32%
IPhone 5S 32GB 299 749 208.1 540.9 72.22% 1.19%
IPhone 5S 16GB 199 649 198.7 450.3 69.38% 1.28%
iPhone 5C 32GB 199 649 182.85 466.15 71.83%
iPhone 5C 16GB 99 549 173.45 375.55 68.41% 4.11%
iPhone 4S 8GB FREE

If Apple hadn’t released the iPhone 5c, they would have taken a 2% reduction in the gross margin of their mid-tier phone. But instead with the 16GB iPhone 5c they were able to pull off a 4.11% increase. Or 6.11% if compared against the alternate scenario. I don’t know about you, but I think 4% is pretty good! Notice that they were also able get modest increases in their top-tier phone gross margins.

This increase is mainly due to savings in the casing. That’s why the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5 are practically the same except for the casing. Apple bumped down their previous top-tier phone as they normally do but this time changed the casing. Plus, given the similarities between the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5 casings, there are production line benefits for the top-tier phone.

People were disappointed by the price of the iPhone 5c. It certainly wasn’t cheaper for them (or me). But it certainly was cheaper for Apple. To manufacture.


iOS 7 Gold Master

Apple has released iOS 7 Gold Master (GM), right after the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c launch. The GM is already the final version for release. Unfortunately, I couldn’t see any more outward changes. Unfortunately because I was still hoping for changes to those fugly icons. But the good news is that iOS 7 is good to go!

MacBook Air


Michelle needed a computer for her research, and Jeanne iPad mini just doesn’t cut it. So we decided that I get her an early ;) Christmas present: A MacBook Air.  It’s small and light, the perfect ultraportable. As expected, build quality of the aluminum unibody is excellent. It has a 1.3GHz dual-core processor, 4GB of RAM, and 128GB of SSD storage. And most importantly for an ultraportable, it uses the Intel Haswell architecture which has been especially great in terms of battery life.