After a long long time, I finally got my own French-English dictionary: The Oxford Color French Dictionary Plus. Aside from a French-English and vice versa word dictionary, it also has other helpful features like a grammar guide, letter writing guide, and even an SMS/texting guide. Nifty to say the least.
Je m’appelle Jay. Je suis Philippin. Je suis informaticien. Je travaille a Mandaluyong. J’habite a Quezon City aux Philippines. J’ai beucoup passion: livres, Histoire (particulierement Histoire militaire), jeux d’ordinateur, campant, plongée de mer, skydiving (ne fais pas), la voitures, la cuisine, la guitare, la randonée, le Java, la cinema, la photographie, et la programmation. Mon reve est de vivre dans les montagnes Andalouses parce que il a belle montagnes.
Et vous? Qui etes-vous?
Yesterday evening, I started French lessons at Alliance Francaise de Manille. I’ve had an on and off relationship with French. Tried studying it on my own through the years. A few years ago, I took the exact same course but I didn’t push through with it so it all sort of went to waste. But I’m thinking, if I persist this time around, I just might succeed and become conversant. I think so because now I can practice it more with Aby who is also taking up French and maybe even with my French bosses. I think so because I’ve learned English, Tagalog, Cebuano, some Hiligaynon, and even a bit of Maranao. And I probably would have learned Arabic had I more time. My teacher in that language was said to have been amazed by my progress. So I’m thinking this should just be a matter of seeing it through to the end. As with all things.