Tag Archives: free

Free WiFi: WiGO

WiFi is good. Free WiFi is even better. But it’s quite scarce. One of the more prevalent free WiFi hotspots are the ones from WiGO. It’s advertisement driven so once you connect, you’re taken to a captive portal where you are shown some ads. So far so good. I mean, they have to make money after all.

But, unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. It also requires you to be running the WiGOBar,  a pesky ad-carrying floating window that blocks quite a large part of the screen like a fungus infection that just won’t go away.

There’s a solution for the Mac but what about for us Windoze users? Don’t lose hope. There is the Hide Windows Utility. Download, extract, and run (the .bat file),  and presto! No more WiGOBar.

I now heart WiGO, too :D