Tag Archives: customer service

A Terrible Globe Experience

I have a Globe Tattoo Superstick plan (plan 1299). It came with amortization for device (Huawei E-5) factored in. The device was the difference between plan 1299 and the cheaper plan 999. I inquired back then if I could change from plan 1299 to plan 999 once the 24-month lock-in period is done. The answer was affirmative. So I signed up.

That lock-in period was finally done a few months back. A few days ago, I called Globe to request the change to plan 999 or whatever is equivalent now. Here’s what happened:

  1. I called the Globe call center and talked to a CSR regarding my request. There were a lot of times I was being put on hold after I ask something. I could almost picture the CSR talking to a colleague and/or frantically paging through a reference. Eventually, I got forwarded to another group.
  2. The new CSR said they don’t handle my account and got forwarded back to the first group. Didn’t the first CSR know who handles my account?
  3. The new CSR said such requests are handled by Globe centers. Nice.
  4. Today, I walk into a Globe center. I asked around and was told to call since such requests are handled by the call center!
  5. I called using the in-house phone. After more of the talk-and-hold routine, I was told such requested are handled by Globe centers. Not again!
  6. I talked to the person who seems to be in charge at the Globe center. After some discussion, I was told such request are really handled by Globe centers. She said something to the effect that CSRs may not be fully knowledgeable and when that happens, I am to get the name and give to her.
  7. I called again using the in-house phone. After more talk-and-hold and being put on hold for the nth time, I put down the phone and stormed off to get lunch.
  8. After lunch and when I got back home, I called the Globe center again. After the more of the usual talk-and-hold routine, I finally simplified my request to “just switch me to plan 999”. That did it pretty quick.

Total time wasted: 2-3 hours. Globe definitely needs to improve their call center CSR training. And what’s with not handling customer requests in person at the Globe center? Is that part of cost-cutting? Not good.