Tag Archives: church

WTF: Overpopulation is Good for Filipinos?!?

Read on this article about this bishop claiming that overpopulation is good for Filipinos because it has increased the number of overseas workers and migrants who could send remittances back home while taking care of ageing people abroad and spreading the Christian faith. That many Filipino women would make “good wives” for foreigners in countries that have low population growth. Finally, that poverty is not a problem. poverty even brought people “closer” to God and was instrumental in realizing God’s plan for Filipinos to take care of other nationalities by inducing migration and working abroad.

Seriously?!? I don’t even want to talk about the “good wives” for foreigners bit. But regarding poverty, unfortunately, OFWs is a small percentage of the Filipino population (10% as of 2010) and certainly few from those living below the poverty level (around 20% as of 2009). The poor have limited access to proper nutrition, shelter, health care, and of course, education which is quite important if you aspire to be an OFW. So how can poverty not be a problem?

You’d think such regressive thinking could only be found in the medieval ages until you realize that the church as an institution is a vestige of the medieval era. Surely, change is needed. Certainly we have no need for church leaders with such mindset.