Tag Archives: chrome

Google Chrome: The Browser War Is Joined

Google has released the beta of Chrome, their own browser. Chrome joins the ongoing free-for-all browser war between Firefox (my personal favorite), Internet Explorer (the current leader by virtue of its being pre-installed along with windows), Opera, and some other smaller players. Looks like this is going to be a pretty exciting next few months.

First impressions: Most visible is the slick minimalist UI whose most notable feature are the tabs being above the address bar. This does make sense if you think about it. As for the way it displays web pages, there seems to be nothing markedly different compared to say Firefox. This is not surprising since they’re supposed to be using the same rendering engine. But its primary selling point is that it is supposed to be faster. A longish narrative about that and more here. Not sure if I’m just imagining it but it does seem just a bit so.

Not bad. But what else are you expecting from Google?