Tag Archives: baby

S-26 vs S-26 Gold

This afternoon, I was driving back to the hospital after buying some stuff. I was almost at the hospital when I got an SMS from Michelle to buy a can of baby milk. We’re on a breastfeeding regimen but we needed something to supplement for when we were at home.  I doubled back to the nearest Mercury to buy one. When I got to the hospital, the nurse told me I got the wrong milk. It was supposed to be S-26 Gold, not the S-26 that I had bought (what’s the difference?). So off I went back to Mercury to swap it with the real stuff. It wasn’t too far but the traffic always make drives longer. Wish I had the Midas touch.

I’m A Dad!

Michelle noticed the long awaited “bloody show” early yesterday morning. We quickly wrapped up house preparations, packed up last minute items, and leisurely left for the hospital. It felt strange since I was expecting to be going to the hospital at high speed, with blinkers on, and a screaming wife on the passenger seat. So I guess, so far so good.

On the way, we decided to drop by Mom and Tina’s along C-5 to buy a chocolate cake. Glenn and Mines had given one to us during the baby’s shower but Michelle decided not to eat any since the baby is becoming bigger than average. Since it was past lunch and we haven’t eaten, we decided to also have lunch there. Turned out that their lunch was quite respectable, definitely worthy of their cakes and pastry.

After lunch, we went on to the hospital, straight to the labor room, and got ourselves admitted. We were expecting that labor would take time but little did we know that it was the start of a long, sleepless day and night…and day. Michelle’s labor progressed slowly, cervix dilation was a slow 1 cm per 2 hours instead of the normal 1 cm per hour. And after 24 hours, it got stuck at 8 cm. And that’s already with an oxytocin labor-augmentation drip.

Finally, after being stuck for over two hours, we elected to go caesarian. Luckily, the doctor allowed me into the delivery room. I suited up while they started with the initial steps. They then invited me in during the emergence of the baby. I watched in awe, and couldn’t help but be misty eyed, as our baby came out squirming, kicking, and not-too-softly protesting her removal from her warm watery bliss.

The staff cleaned her up good, washing and suctioning her airways since she had already expelled some meconium due to the long and stressful labor. Also the reason why we couldn’t be with our own little angel yet since she had to spend some time under observation at the nursery.

Still it was one big event done and over with. Amelie Jeanne has been born.  Michelle and I are now parents! I am now a dad! Awesome!

Second Ultrasound: It’s a Girl!

ultrasound2We finally got  to have another ultrasound. This time it’s abdominal. As before, Michelle went into the ultrasound room where the sonologist did the procedure. After a while, he (yes, a he… but with feminine inclinations) called me in and also showed me. He turned the monitor and there she was. He showed us that it’s in all probability (maybe some gender bias included) a baby girl. As we looked on (marveled?), she moved her arms as if in irritation at all these adults disturbing her. She’s soooo cute!

First Ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound today. It was long in waiting but finally the time came. Michelle went into the ultrasound room where the OB did the procedure. After a while, she called me in and also showed me. It is a teensy weensy baby with a tiny beating heart. It’s wonderful!