Tag Archives: baby

Not Without My Baby

I was supposed to go to 4-day vacation trip to Vietnam courtesy of the company but I backed out. I’m not really a travel kind of person. Or rather, I’m more of a journey rather than a destination kind of person. And airports and airliners are not my definition of a fun journey. Besides, Jeanne didn’t have a passport so I couldn’t take her with me. But I initially decided to go because Michelle said she wanted to go. I asked her what about Jeanne’s situation and she said Jeanne can stay with the grandparents and “can get over” being left. But today, Michelle backed out, probably after thinking hard about the whole leaving Jeanne thing. And since there’s really no good reason for me to go, I too decided to back out. No loss.

Potty Training

Inspired by the early potty training of Jeanne’s cousin, Viela, who’s about the same age, we have been sort of potty training Jeanne since the start of the year. Last night, Michelle was telling Jeanne to prepare for washing but Jeanne wouldn’t budge. Michelle asked me to talk to Jeanne, so I went over and asked Jeanne if she’s done. She said no and soon enough she let go of a few. Only after that did she let Michelle was her. Progress!

Baby Proofing

Jeanne is wandering around on her own a lot now and I spent some time during the afternoon to do a bit of baby proofing. I put on corner bumpers to the TV table and installed safety latches on low-lying kitchen cabinets. That should keep her away from the contents for a while.


Jeanne likes Jollibee. Whenever he sees the Jollibee statue or sign, she would say “Jabee”. This evening as we were driving off from a kiddy party at Shakey’s, she said “Jabee”. At first, I thought she was confusing Shakey’s with Jollibee. But true enough there was a Jollibee sign and she saw it way before, and faster than, we did.

I wonder why kids like Jollibee. Must be that rotund face and big eyes. But as a marketing tool, it sure works!


Last night, Jeanne and I was listening to this recording of her talking. She was responding to the recorded prompts and when she heard “Say Daddy” she said “Dada”, beamed at me, hugged me, and patted me :) My week’s made!