Tag Archives: 615

716 Motors: More Power

Quadspex did a series of motor thrust tests that shows the power of 716  motors vs  615 motors into perspective. I’ve computed the thrust-to-weight ratios and summarized the results in the convenient table below:

Motor Thrust (g) Total Thrust (g) Thrust-to-Weight Ratio*
Stock 615 E010 7.83 31.3 1.252
RS 615 16000KV 9.3 37.2 1.488
RS 615 18000KV 11.2 44.8 1.792
MMW 615 17000KV 11.37 45.47 1.818
MMW 615 19000KV 13.03 52.13 2.085
Stock 716 E011 17.27 69.1 2.303
MMW 716 17000KV 18.47 73.9 2.463

*Assumes 25g take-off weight for 615 quad; 30g take-off weight for 716 quad

Here are the complete videos:

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