Tit For Tat

The Supreme Court issued ruling that would have allowed Arroyo to go overseas, supposedly seek medical treatment, and possibly escape the criminal charges against her. The Department of Justice blocked the departure of Arroyo and then had her arrested despite, or because of, this ruling.

Now with timing that looks suspiciously like childish spite, the Supreme Court has ruled that Hacienda Luisita, which happens to be owned by relatives of President Aquino, has to comply with the agrarian reform law (signed into law by the other President Aquino) and parcel the land to its farmers.

What’s the next episode?


I tried to order a copy of Adobe Flash Builder online. As I was checking out, I found out that I couldn’t order from the US store. So I looked for and found the SEA store. In disbelief, irritation, and frustration, I saw that it was 15% more expensive!!! That is so not right! But then again, what’s new?

McDo Burger and Fries

This morning, Jeanne wanted to go to the parking building with me but it was raining. I convinced her to stay in the house by promising to bring her burger and fries when I get back. She relented so this afternoon, I brought her burger and fries:

And here she is with them:

Hong Kong

With Jeanne’s 2nd birthday anniversary coming up, we decided to give her a real treat and at the same time make one last use of her infant privileges (free air fare, free entrance tickets): we went to HK Disneyland. Of course, you don’t go to HK just for Disneyland, there’s shopping and sightseeing, too.

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Evolution of an Icon

I needed an icon for an app I was working for. Although I dabbled with drawing and painting in the past, I’ve never gotten beyond the basics of PhotoShop and other graphics software. So I talked to Paul, who is a graphics design guru among others. Over a span of a week, we collaborated to come up with the final icon. In only 4 iterations, no less! Thanks, Paul. You’re the man!