I joined the SMART iPhone 4S launch at Rockwell Power Plant last night. It seemed that SMART pulled out the stops for this event. Aside from free food and drinks from Burgoo, Cibo, Sumo Sam, and Starbucks, unlimited playing at the arcade,  continuous free screenings of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol in all cinemas, parties in strategic locations at the mall featuring some famous people and DJs, loads of prizes to win including a Subaru Impreza STI. Who doesn’t want to have a chance to win a Suby? No brainer right? And indeed it turned out to be a good event in that respect.

The catch is in the event organization, or rather disorganization. First problem was the scheduling. Jeanne and I got there at 7:30PM to catch the start at 8PM per the email invite. Nothing at the registration area other than a bunch of black-clad pretty faces being briefed. We went to the SMART Store and was told registration will start at 9PM so I bought Jeanne a pack of jelly beans and we waited it out. Around 9PM we went back to the registration area and was told registration will start at 10PM. So I took Jeanne to Toys R Us and waited it out. Around 10PM, we went back and there was already a crowd though we did register pretty quickly.

The second problem was the phone demo area. After registration we were funneled straight into the demo area. Unfortunately, although they had practically the whole mall, the demo area was small, enclosed, and quickly got crowded. I’m sure they had security of the phones in mind but I’m sure there are other solutions.

The third problem was the lack of clear procedure. While in the demo area, I asked what to do next and I was told to either get the freebies or talk to the people in pink, sales reps. But there were like one person in pink for every twenty customers and they were all busy. And did I mention it was crowded? So we went for the freebies. We got some food and watched Mission Impossible.

It was only later, when we went out of the cinema, that I found out that you need to fill up an application form (not necessary if you printed and filled the form already), go to the processing area and then to the releasing area at the Smart Store (starting at 12MN). But by then, it was almost releasing time, I decided it was already too late. So after Michelle arrived and met up with us, we just went home.


We were walking around Power Plant when we saw this SMART promo stand with loads of apples. We approached to inquire and it turned out that they’re giving out apples, each carrying a sticker with the date 12-16-11, the launch date for the Apple iPhone 4S. Although it was not yet time for the giveaway, they gave Jeanne an apple anyway. Thanks, guys!

Blue Crush

A long time ago, Roly and I were talking about surfing and this surfing movie, Blue Crush, and how it made her want to surf. I never got to watch it and we never got to go surf together but after the surfing trip last week, I dug it up and watched it with Michelle. It’s a chick flick (one reason why I never watched it) about a surfer girl with personal issues, throw in a love interest that causes more issues, and a nice pre-packaged resolution at the end. Standard chick flick fare. But where it shines is in the surfing. From beginner waves to pro big waves, the shots were just awesome! It’s something not to be missed. Made me want to learn to surf even more. Oh and there’s Kate Bosworth :P

Setting Up The Christmas Tree

When my siblings and I were kids, we usually have pine for our Christmas tree. Yes, real pine. Not the plastic stuff so common these days. Sometime, James and I would even accompany our dad harvest the tree. It was tiring but in retrospect, that in itself was a great experience. Once set-up inside our house, the scent was absolutely Christmas-ey and it livens and truly completes the Christmas experience. On our first year as a married couple, we got one, a Douglas Fir, because Michelle said she never had a Christmas with one. And besides, it just seemed fitting for the honeymoon period. This year, with Jeanne very curious, inquisitive, and full of wonder, we decided to get another one. Her excitement as we were setting up the tree was an absolute joy to see. Makes it totally worth it.

LG Optimus Black: Paint It Black

I needed an Android phone to test the Android version of PSMonitor. I wanted a low-end phone, a least common denominator, so I checked out the Samsung Galaxy Ace. While it has better than usual low-end specs (800MHz processor, 3.5″ 320×480 display), it didn’t have a front camera and is not expected to have Ice Cream Sandwich. So scrap that.

This led me to search some more and eventually to the LG Optimus Black which is a bit higher-end (1GHz processor, 4″ 480×800 display). Expectedly, it was quite expensive. But that changed when LG lowered the price and, even better, announced that Ice Cream Sandwich will be available for it. After a few more days of considering, I finally went ahead and got it.

My first impression is that it’s a well-designed, minimalist, and low-key phone. Almost everything is black. Even the LG logos are in subdued shades of gray. Once you hold it, you see it’s also very slim and very light. Probably the one thing that really screams “Look at me!” is the Nova display. It is just BRIGHT! Unfortunately, it has a yellowish tint when viewed from the front which is a bummer.

The user-experience is typical Android, a whole lot of power and flexibility. Frankly, it’s way more than what you actually need to get real work done.  It’s not drastically more complicated or worse than iOS, we know they each got their particular quirks. It’s just different.

However, it does feel like it needs a bit more polish (but that’s supposed to change with Ice Cream Sandwich). Also, it’s a little bit laggy due to the low-end specs as well as all those virtual machinery and hardware abstraction layers. The price of multi-hardware support. But it’s nothing that you can’t get used to.

Performance with the built-in Frozen Yogurt is good although I expect it would improve once the promised updates comes out. Gingerbread after all is an enhancement, optimization, and bug-fix version. Performance with Ice Cream Sandwich would probably suffer. I’m hoping it would still be passable though. At least still enough for its primary purpose as my Android test phone.