Going Smart

I’ve been a Globe postpaid line subscriber for over 10 years but I finally decided to disconnect. Here’s why:

  1. It’s so hard to talk to a person via 211.
  2. I used to get a sizable loyalty bill rebate. But when I inquired recently, the rebate I’ll be getting would less than half of what I used to get. So the longer I stay, the less my rebates get.
  3. The loyalty phone package is exactly the same as what a new customer will be getting.
  4. No stocks of the iPhone everywhere.
  5. They’re not willing (or didn’t offer to) notify me when stocks are available. Instead, they want me to call every now and then to check if stocks are already available.
  6. Finally, they have this automatic image compression when web browsing using a mobile data connection. It even affects my Tattoo MyFi. Image compression is not bad per se but the whatever they’re using absolutely fuglifies photos.

So goodbye Globe! And hello Smart!

Surfing at CME

Les, Nino, and I went to Club Manila East for some surfing lessons and practice. It was a blast! The constant and consistent waves of the wave pool were really helpful in getting the basics down pat. The foam boards we’re supposed to be no-brainers but I managed to wipe out quite a few times. Still, I progressed quite significantly. For starters, I was able to pop up. Then I was able to ride the board all the way to the “shore” more than a few times. Maybe a visit or two more and we can then visit Zambales and, eventually, La Union!

Underworld: Awakening

If I look back the past few years, I’d be hard-pressed to name an action actress more badass than Kate Beckinsale. Yes, the lead of romance movies like Serendepity and Pearl Harbor. Now, after a short absence, she’s back in the franchise that launched her action career.  She reprises her role as Selene, a vampire “death dealer” (that means exactly what it says). The story  is frankly ho-hum: The humans found out about vampires and lycans and, with the help of UV flashlights and silver bullets, set out exterminating them. Fast-forward 12 years later and Selene awakens from cryo-stasis, freed by a mysterious benefactor and soon after escapes from captivity. She later finds her liberator, not her mate as she expected, but her progeny. She also finds a world where humans are still vigorously hunting the remnants of the vampires but strangely less so the lycans. Digging through the mystery, she finds a powerful pack of lycans planning on harvesting her daughter as a source for biological fixer-uppers. That’s a big no-no and she proceeded to shoot and slice through the lycans in the coolest, most impossible, matter-of-fact way possible. Did I say Kate Beckinsale is badass? Hell, yeah!