
Yesterday, because of the early morning support call, I was able to leave the office early. I got home just in time for lunch. Of course I needed some sleep so I asked Gretchen to entertain Jeanne while I slept. I woke up later in the afternoon and after a while Jeanne came in and asked to go outside. So out we went to the garden and watched some kittens play. We also went to the playground and she played with the swing but it started to drizzle so we had to go back inside and played with her Duplos.

After dinner we sat on the sofa and watched The Hunter. Of course, she really wasn’t interested and was drawing mostly. After the movie, we went through her bedtime routine: drank vitamins, brushed teeth, wiped down, and prepared for bed. I promised to read her a book and I read her Red Riding Hood. And then it was sleepy time. She tossed and turned for a while and asked for water but she generally wasn’t very fussy. Pretty quickly, she quieted down and was soon asleep. That was new!

iPhone Heat and Battery Issues

I’ve been noticing that the iPhone strangely heat ups while just sitting on the table or in my pocket. That can’t be good for the battery and indeed it’s not. Even when fully-charged in the morning before going to work, it doesn’t last more than 3PM. Yesterday it even died right after lunch.

I’ve tried so many things: Turning off location-based services (negligible), turning off 3G (extra 2 hours), reset network settings (no effect), reset all settings (no effect), etc all to no avail. But I finally, I stumbled upon a solution that made a huge difference.

I read in a MacWorld article that it could be a sync issue. So I downloaded the recommended System Activity Monitor and tried troubleshooting as described in the article. Indeed even at standby, the processors were registering 10% or so usage. It led me to think that maybe my Google Exchange calendar, mail, and contacts are the culprit.  Is Google that evil? :P

So I deleted my Google Exchange account. I immediately noticed the processors registering less than 5%. I recreated the Google Exchange account and observed. Processor usage remained at less than 5% on standby. I continued observing the whole day today and, with defaults (3G and location services) on, it hit 10% battery at 14 hours standby and 6 hours usage. And it no longer heats up unless used heavily. Huge improvement!

UPDATE: Problem returned. I’ll try removing the Google Exchange account again.

UPDATE: Removing the Google Exchange account didn’t work either. So I setup as new phone and then recreated the account. Seems to be working fine now. But I noticed low 3G signal really drains the battery. I guess nothing more can be done short of changing providers.

Deployment Blues

This morning, I was awakened at 2AM by a call from Nino. He was on standby providing support to the deployment team and it seems there’s a problem. I quickly dialed-in to the conference call and got the log report. I saw, as Nino already did, that there’s a communication problem between two components, the CWS and the PIS.

However, due to the configuration of the production environment, it is hard to confirm. There is a staging environment but the configuration is different (bad) so it’s pretty much useless. Eventually, the deployment team did manage to isolate one production server and we tested on it.

Same conclusion: there is a communication problem between CWS and PIS. I asked if PIS is available on the port the CWS is trying to connect to. That probably switched the light bulbs in the deployment team’s collective heads because they instead of responding, they configured something, and voila, it worked!

UPDATE: I found out that the port our system has been configured to use is not compatible in production because they had decided to keep the old application server up (good) on that port and have the new application server on a different port (but they hadn’t informed us, bad).

Soldier of God

Soldier of God takes place in the Holy Land during the time of the crusades. It takes off in the aftermath of the Battle of Hattin, probably the single, most disastrous defeat for the crusaders. René, a member of the Knights Templar was wounded during the battle, captured, and taken for ransom.

For those unfamiliar with history, the Knights Templar is a Christian military order that gained fame (and notoriety) during the Crusades. All members of the order take take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience. The knights of the order are practically warriors priests. In fact, they’re the elite troops among the crusaders.

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