I usually get home when Jeanne and Gretchen are out playing. So when I enter the gate, I always purposely slow down and look around for them. This afteroon, sure enough I saw them on the rear view mirror. They have seen the car and Jeanne was excitedly pulling Gretchen towards the car. The sight of her doing that always gives me a warm fuzzy feeling. I stopped and waited for them for the next part of the routine: Jeanne gets on the car rides up the parking building with me while Gretchen packs up the stroller or bike and goes home. After parking, Jeanne and I then strolled hand-in-hand home from the parking building. Happiness.
Hyundai has posted teasers of the upcoming 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe. I personally prefer sedans over SUVs. Sedans offer better handling and more practicality for the daily commute. But SUVs sure can be useful for hauling people and gear around. And looking good while doing that sure doesn’t hurt. The 2013 Hyundai Santa Fe certainly looks good enough for me to possibly consider. Maybe if and when baby #2 comes around. And if Hyundai gets its act together by then.
A lot of people were disappointed with the new iPad. And I can understand why. Personally, I wouldn’t get one because of how I use the iPad. Or rather how I don’t use the iPad, Jeanne uses it more. But I’m not disappointed. Not at all. In fact, I find Apple tablet strategy brilliant.
Most of the disappointment focuses on the new iPad being an Apple product (can’t say anything about that) or on the hardware specifications. What does the Retina display matter? But it does, as you will see later. Why only a quad-core GPU update? But really why go quad-core CPU when the main bottleneck is the graphics? And so it goes.
But Apple’s tablet strategy is not just about hardware, it is a synergy of both hardware, the new iPad, and software.
To full appreciate this, go back to earlier this year when Apple announced iBooks 2 for iPad. With it, the iPad became a serious and fully Apple-supported platform for educational use. Then on to the new iPad launch where the new iPad was, of course, the star of the show. It overshadowed the release of new versions of iWork, iPhoto, iMovie, and Garage Band. But all these recently launched applications are as important because with them the current iPad becomes more useful.
But running all these applications (except maybe Garage Band) on the new iPad, with its Retina display, will be awesome. Books, documents, photos, and movies look sharper and you get an improved perspective, literally. Probably even get a productivity boost. To some of us, these things matter.
Sure, Apple would love current iPad 2 users to upgrade. But current iPad 2 users are not their primary target. Immediately lowering the price of the current iPad 2 stimulated sales and mitigated the new product effect where customers delay purchases because of the announcement of a newer, better version. But it also made it harder to upgrade (i.e. the potential selling price of used iPads became lower and thus making the cost of upgrading higher).
Clearly, the new iPad is targeted more at those who haven’t bought iPads yet, those sitting on the fence just waiting for a little nudge, and those who have the original iPad. And because of the retained price points, instead of buying secondhand iPads they will buy the new iPad directly from Apple.
For Apple, the new iPad matters because it furthers their tablet strategy and puts momentum towards the continuity of iPad sales.
Last week, I took the car to Hyundai Global City for periodic maintenance service. After I got it back, I noticed a trickling sound coming from under the dash. I let it be the whole week because I was busy at work and at home. But today, I dropped to have it checked. I was there early, around 7:30AM. I explained my concern to the service adviser, showed him the sound which he acknowledged, and he told me he will prioritize the work. I told him I’ll wait, went and sat down at the lounge, and watched Spartacus and played Temple Run on the iPhone.
After almost 3 hours, there was still no news. So I took a peek at the repair bay and saw nobody working on the car. Surprised, I went to the service adviser and asked what’s happening. After hastily talking to some people he got back to me and told me that they weren’t able to hear the sound, and that they will need to take the car to a road test. I was frankly incensed (:P). It shouldn’t have taken 3 hours!
So anyway, I accompanied them for a road test. The trickling sound was very clear to me but it took many tries before the tester finally heard it. His conclusion is that there is indeed a sound (that’s what I’ve been trying to tell them the whole freakin’ day!) and that they need to investigate further. It will take some time and since was almost lunch time, I had no choice but to leave the car. After leaving instructions to call me as soon as the car is ready, I left and went back home, had lunch, and took a nap.
Around 4PM, there was still no news so I called. The service adviser wasn’t around! I called again, this time I was able to talk to the service adviser and he said they compared it to another Genesis Coupe and they also heard the trickling sound. They’re going to compare it with yet another Genesis Coupe but it’s supposed to be normal. So I picked the car up at 5PM and got on with what was left of my Saturday.
And guess what? I couldn’t hear the trickling sound anymore. Either it’s just not showing up yet, got fixed by itself, got accidentally fixed while they we’re looking for the problem, or they fixed it but didn’t want to admit it. But one thing is clear: the service was absolute crap.
Looks like Hyundai is having a hard time coping with success.
- Retina display – 2048×1536, double the previous iPad
- A5X quad core graphics processor
- 5-megapixel camera with f/2.4 aperture lens, AF, BSI sensor, IR filter
- 1080p video capture
- LTE – up to 73 Mbps, up to 42 Mbps with DC-HSDPA and up to 21.1 Mbps with HSPA+
No word on the RAM and processor speed but they’re likely bumped up in order to accommodate the graphics and business use positioning.