Radio Shack in Afghanistan

Radio Shack, the friendly neighborhood electronics store, is opening branches in Afghanistan. Yup, the leading candidate for Improvised Explosive Device (IED) capital of the world. Looks like the Taliban’s favorite weapon will soon be sporting made in USA designed in USA, made in China labels. But maybe not, who knows? Maybe it’s just a CIA front for monitoring people who buy electronic components.

Via: Businessweek

Movie Marathon

Went on a movie marathon over the weekend and finished three.

Ted – About a teddy bear who came to life, I originally planned to watch this with Jeanne. But Leslie and Raine warned me that it’s not for kids. So I watched it, without Jeanne. It’s a comedy about a 35 year old with the aforementioned teddy bear that he never outgrew. Yeah, sometimes we never outgow our teddy bears aka our childhood. You know those people, those who always say “Because you/he/she/they…” and never taking cognizance of their own part of events. In this case, it’s always because of teddy bear. Poor teddy. Good thing he can talk and defend himself. There are also fun cameos of Sam Jones (Flash Gordon! Yeah I’m an 80s kid) and Tom Skerritt (Top Gun! Another 80s kid thing) and Ryan Reynolds (finally something not 80s: 2010 Sexiest Man Alive). Rating 2/5

Premium Rush – Shows that you can write an interesting yarn about anything. Who would’ve thought that a movie about bike messengers would actually be interesting? It’s a movie about a bike messenger who got a delivery for something that turns out to be worth a lot of money. Of course, somebody has to be after the money for it to be interesting. That’s the premise and amidst a lot of bike-to-bike and bike-to-car chases turned out to be quiet entertaining. Rating 3/5

Fire with Fire – Nothing notable, just a run-of-the-mill action movie. It’s about a fireman who witnessed the leader of a white supremacist outlaw gang (black gangsters are passe, these days they play semi-good guys) kill a convenience store owner and his son. For Jeremy’s protection, he was put into the witness protection program. Now I’m sure you have noticed how it seems to always becomes more dangerous when someone gets admitted into the program. And, not surprisingly, that’s exactly what happened. Soon hired guns were gunning for the fireman and he figured the best way to get out of the mess is to gun for the gang leader. Fighting fire with fire, yeah. But a Glock 21 helps, too. Fun enough action fix. Rating 2.5/5

Typhoon Pablo

It’s always a tragedy when disaster strikes and people lose their property, homes, and lives. But it’s even more so when it strikes on or near the season to be merry and happy. Last year, there was Typhoon Sendong. This year it’s Typhoon Pablo. The only consolation, if you can even call it that, is that it’s also the time of the year is when people get some extra cash for gifts, celebrations, and the like. Definitely, can also be used for donations. Giving always makes more merriness and happiness.

Donate: Philippine Red Cross

Loss of Identity

Loss of identity cards, that is. Last weekend. I lost my company issued ID cards. This made it NOT easy for me to get in and out of the office building so every day for the past week, I’ve been leaving my driver’s license with the security guard in exchange for a visitor’s pass. Unfortunately, today, on the last working day of the week, the guard apparently gave my license to another driver who was exiting the building. Neither he nor the other driver verified whether the ID returned was the right one. Losing three IDs in a span of one week! What are the odds of that? So anyway, they said they’ll get it back from the other driver. I sure hope they do.

UPDATE: Guess what?!? My mom-in-law found my company IDs!

UPDATE 12/12/12: The other driver finally visited the building and returned my driver’s license. All is well!