
emperorIt’s a stormy day and there’s not much to do so I decided to watch Emperor. It’s about the war crimes investigation on the Emperor of Japan at the end of World War II. Which is good since I am generally interested in history. Unlike typical WW2 movies, there’s not much guts and glory action and is mainly dialogue. I thought that would be a challenge but it turned out fine and I was able to finish it :P

The key character is General Bonner Fellers, tasked with investigating the role of the Japanese Emperor Hirohito in war crimes. The other key character is General Douglas MacArthur, who just happens to be one of my childhood heroes, played as Tommy Lee Jones by Tommy Lee Jones. I couldn’t quite wrap my head around  the US marshal, being my MacArthur :P

While Fellers went around carrying on his investigation. He also engaged in a side quest searching for a Japanese woman that he met while studying in the US. The significance of this thread of the story is that because of his relationship with the Japanese woman and her family, Fellers had a good understanding of the often inscrutable Japanese culture which helped towards his final decision.

In the end, Fellers concluded that they couldn’t find any evidence that Hirohito is involved in war crimes. Likely because the fanatical devotion of officials (most of them are also going to be hanged) and their desire to protect the emperor. But the emperor has undisputedly called for an end to resistance and any further bloodshed. Hanging him would undo that. That’s what saved him.

iOS 7 beta 6

Apple has released iOS 7 beta 6, less than a week after beta 5 which was delayed due to the developer site hacking. With this release, Apple is back on track on its release cycle. The main description of the release is that it fixes a major iTunes bug. I didn’t really encounter it. I couldn’t see any outward changes. In iTunes or elsewhere. Even the release notes is quite short. Looks like iOS 7 is almost good to go!

Ford Everest Concept

When the last Ford Ranger came out, I was expecting the new Ford Everest to come out soon after. Unfortunately, months went by and there was nothing except some Ranger-based renders and some spy shots of possible prototypes. Until now: Ford has just unveiled the new Ford Everest Concept down under. It will ostensibly be the basis of the 2014 or 2015 Ford Everest. And it’s better than I ever imagined. While some SUVs, especially crossovers, have gone unisex, even feminine, the Ford Everest Concept is very much rugged, brawny, manly. It practically oozes testosterone. I like, baby #2 or not!


I have a rather simple definition of fine dining. The food doesn’t have to be expensive (that would be expensive dining) nor the servings big (that would be overeating) . But it definitely has to be good (not just fine) in terms of taste and presentation. It’s about the experience. And it has to have cloth napkins.

Mariano’s, tucked away in a quiet residential village in Iligan City, meets my definition. The family headed there tonight for dinner. The place definitely has good ambiance. Clean and well-designed. The indoor tables are air conditioned and cozy. The outdoors tables are bigger and give the al fresco experience further accentuated by the Chinese bamboo plants lined along the wall.

We sampled a variety of dishes: shrimps in squid ink pasta, barbecued pork ribs, crispy braised chicken, herbed lemon pork loin, and aromatic fish. The food not only taste good but look good, too. Pardon the photography, I’m blaming the poor lighting :P But really, they do look good. The desserts were also good. We tried the New York cheesecake, and the truffle cake, and the panna cotta.

Pricing is a relatively high for the area but quite reasonable considering the food, service, and ambiance is comparable to better known restaurants. Unfortunately, they don’t accept credit cards so you have to bring cash.

Meadow Lark Street, Isabel Village, Pala-o, Iligan City, 9200
Telephone: +6363-221-0095
Email: [email protected]

iOS 7 beta 5

Apple has released iOS 7 beta 5 yesterday, less than a week after beta 4. I guess developer site hacking incident did disrupt the release cycle. After a day of use, I can see that battery life remains good. But it seems less stable (as betas go) and I’m getting more crashes. There are more UI tweaks especially on the Settings app: icons are more colorful (but still flat). Less like Android Jelly Bean :P