The Kingkong Smart100 is a good and popular brushed micro quadcopter. However, the big 8.5x20mm motors have a tendency to burn the MOSFETs if you fail to cut the throttle during crashes.
This is a newbie’s quickstart guide for the Flysky i6 transmitter (TX) and the Beecore flight controller (FC). The guide assumes that you have a fresh Beecore-based Tiny Whoop build and that you already have your USB drivers and Betaflight Configurator installed.
This is a build guide for the Tronxy X1 3D Printer Kit. This build guide is meant to complement with actual pictures the assembly guide found in the SD card that comes with the kit.
A Rakonheli 66mm brushless whoop is an awesome aircraft. But sometimes you just gotta have extra ooomph, like maybe for carrying a Turbowing Cyclops 3 HD camera. So I build a bigger, more powerful version: The Rakonheli 76mm brushless whoop. Read More
The RunCam Split was a game-changer. It started with the RunCam 3. But due to form-factor similiarity issues with the GoPro Hero Session, it was pulled from the shelves and later came back as the RunCam Split. Essentially it’s a deconstructed RunCam 3 but with capability to be used as an FPV camera as well. No longer do minis have to piggyback around a GoPro Hero Session. It’ might not be as good as the GoPro Hero Session but the the FPV capability makes up for it. For most.