Pan’s Labyrinth (El Laberinto del Fauno)

I don’t know why I held off watching Pan’s Labyrinth for so long because now that I’ve seen it, I totally regret my procrastination. From the title you would guess that it is a fantasy or fairy tale. Like most fairy tales, it is enchanting. But this is no children’s fairy tale. It is about the quest of a little girl to return to the fairy world. Her story takes place against the backdrop of the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War when guerrillas were still continuing their resistance against the government. The main story and the backdrop are both compelling by themselves. Both are also quite dark, bloody, visceral, even disturbing. Even the ending, though partly happy, is also tragic. The whole is a well-made masterpiece. I love it.

Rating: 5/5


by William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of Circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of Chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

*Whenever life’s adversities come my way I always keep this poem in mind. But what inspires me more is that writer, William Ernest Henley, was able to survive great adversity– the poem was written from a hospital bed– and even succeeded in life. So whatever it is facing you, something worse is facing someone somewhere, and they are taking it. You can do the same.

La Vie En Rose

by Mack David, French original by Edith Pliaf

Hold me close and hold me fast,
This magic spell you cast,
This is La Vie En Rose.

When you kiss me, Heaven sighs,
And though I close my eyes,
I see La Vie En Rose.

When you press me to your heart,
I’m in a world apart,
A world where roses bloom;

And when you speak, Angels sing from above;
Every day words seem to turn into love songs.

Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La Vie En Rose.

Of Roses and Temporal Existence

I was told cut roses last a week. That got me reflecting. Roses are such a joy when you look at them, when you smell them, when you touch them. But that is only for a week or so. Then they wilt and are soon gone. The memory lingers but even that too will go.

There are many such things. Some lasts a long time: years, decades, centuries, maybe even eternity. Some last for a much shorter time: months, weeks, days, hours, even seconds. It may be a lamp-lit path, a pond full of lilies, the moon, the stars, a shooting star, a violin playing, people talking, life, friendship, love, and– of course– roses. They all bring moments of joy.

When such moments come along, stop and enjoy that moment for we don’t know if or when it will end. And if it does, don’t be saddened, for that is the way it is and will always be. Just keep in mind, that it was great while it lasted and treasure the memories as they slowly fade away.

Fenris FTX

This morning, I went to UP Diliman to join my airsoft buddies for the Field Training Exercise (FTX) of Team Fenris’ new recruits. I first went to the regular playing field but there was nobody there. I messaged them asking where they were. There was no response so I walked around and did an impromptu photo shoot while waiting.

After some time, Bishop finally answered. He, Half-Pint, and the recruits are at the Palma Hall Parking Area. I quickly scooted over and linked up with them. After a while, Ish arrived and joined us. We basically just chatted while waiting for the recruits to finish their tasks. After a bit of a delay due to clues being taken by passer-bys as well as problems with the clues themselves (200m error, hehe, peace Half-Pint), they finally finished.

We then had a quick lunch before proceeding to the next stage which will be at Area 51, a vast and popular playing field. Unfortunately, I had chores to do so I wasn’t able to join them anymore. I was told it’s going to be a scenario where the recruits would attempt to purchase “weapons”, the deal sours, and there will be a firefight. Would have been fun to watch.

The day wasn’t exactly the return to airsoft I had in mind. But hey, it’s a start! Maybe next time I’ll actually be able to play.