Stupid taxi backed up on me last saturday. Okay, maybe it’s partly my fault, I should have stopped or at least honked him. But what’s done’s done and I ended up with both my left side doors dented. The doors were still working but it irritated me so much. So last monday, I went to The Wet Look, a body and paint shop recommended by Eric. They’re situated pretty far and when I actually got there and got an estimate, I was flabbergasted at the cost. But I was already there and they do come highly recommended so I left the car to get the two doors and the front bumper (which had paint scraped off from another incident) worked on.
This afternoon, I picked up the car. Their work was great. The two doors and the front bumper looked so clean, smooth, bright, and– yes– wet. So they work well and they work fast. Is it worth the price? Yes, but just about. If you look harder you’ll probably find something as good for less. But then time searching is time lost and time costs. So it’s all good I guess.