Merry Christmas! It’s the season for giving and a very apt time to share The Gift of the Magi, a story from long ago that I recently rediscovered.
Yesterday, we had our Department Christmas party. We first went to Global Gutz for paintball. It was tough going there because of the horrific traffic. But we all eventually got there and Sir Sonny himself briefed us. We then played 2 rounds of capture the flag and 2 rounds of speedball. It was tiring but fun especially since I racked up 3 or 4 kills. It helped that everyone else were newbies >:)
After playing, we went to Marina, a nearby restaurant where we had a late dinner, an exchange of gifts, and a raffle. I got a 7-piece pitcher and glass set in the gift exchange but didn’t win anything in the raffle :P
After dinner, we proceeded to Malate. It’s my first time at Malate and I hated it. It’s like SM malls on a 3-day sale weekend except instead of shopping, the people were out to dance and drink. Maybe to eat too though there certainly are better places with better food to eat in. Maybe also to be seen but I can’t figure out how you could be seen in that crowd or why you would like to be associated with them.
I’ve decided not to drink and without the benefit of an alcohol-induced haze, I came to the conclusion that the whole damn thing is mindless. At one point, people started cheering when they heard the first few bars of Teriyaki Boyz’s Tokyo Drift. It’s actually something they always do before they start bouncing around to any overly-played bouncy song. Mindless.
Without anything better to do, I went off to sulk at a corner table and drank coffee till it was time to go.
I’m so not fun. Haha.
Earlier this evening, Migs and I were talking about the raffle during the managers’ dinner at the big boss’ place. We complained that we don’t ever win at raffles. Well what do you know? There were two watches raffled out and he and I got both. Haha. Too bad they are not Orange Monsters but are rather commemoratives for the 60th anniversary of Philippine-French relations. No indication as to maker or movement. The value is in the unique and limited design. Definitely nice if you’re into such collectibles. Not me, so I think I’ll raffle it off.
I’ve been meaning to give these cute mini-cakes away as Christmas presents since last year. But back then, there was too little time to make them so I had to order something else. But this year, Val had more time (either that or we’re better friends :P) and I was able to order and give them away. Get yours too here.
Got together with former officemates from 25by8 for our annual Christmas get together yesterday at Jay-j’s, Ortigas HomeDepot. It was one of the bigger gatherings. As usual the girls gravitated towards each other and started talking about marriage, babies, and other such girlie things. And as usual the boys gravitated towards each other and started talking about computer games and programming languages and other such geeky things. Haha. 25by8 people sure are a swell bunch. Wish I could replicate that in my current company.