After a long long time, I finally got my own French-English dictionary: The Oxford Color French Dictionary Plus. Aside from a French-English and vice versa word dictionary, it also has other helpful features like a grammar guide, letter writing guide, and even an SMS/texting guide. Nifty to say the least.
Yesterday, I played badminton again after a long hiatus brought about by the holidays. And I didn’t just play, I played hard. So today when I woke up, my muscle were screaming in agony. Someone (Marcinko?) said pain is good, it lets you know you’re alive. Oh yes, I do feel so alive. Argh!
Yesterday, as I was heading out for lunch, I encountered Tessa at the elevator lobby. She was carrying this small black neoprene case that almost without a doubt contained an electronic gadget. From the dimensions, I concluded that it was an Asus Eee which I’ve heard and read quite a bit about. But to be sure, I asked her and she confirmed that it is indeed an Eee. We talked about it a bit but since lunch was waiting, I scheduled a visit with her for later in the afternoon. As soon as I got some free time, I went up to her office and played around with the Eee.
The Eee is a diminutive device. It is around an inch thick and about the size of A5 paper and quite light. But it seems well-built and quite robust. The screen is small but quite usable especially when applications are in full screen mode. The keyboard is also small but still quite usable. The 900MHz processor is not too powerful and the 512MB RAM not too big but the response of applications is quite snappy. The storage is a (surprise!) small at 4GB, but quite fast since it is solid state (i.e. flash-based). If you need more, you’ll need to use external storage via up to three USB ports. But then again, most everything are stored online these days. Speaking of online it has both wired and wireless network interfaces.
But here’s the killer: It’s Linux-based! I know what you’re thinking. That it would be a complex beast. But no, it is actually seems quite easy to use. It has two mode: simple mode and full mode. In simple mode you’re presented with a very simple tabbed menu with large icons that even a grandma would like. Full mode, on the other hand, is the traditional Linux GUI with access to the applications you expect including my favorite: ssh. Oh yeah!
Do I like it? Hell yeah! But being new to the market, it’s still a bit expensive for my liking. But if someone were to gift me one, I wouldn’t say no. The black one please!
Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse. We were almost done with the restoring of files to the RAID server when two more drives failed. We had to hurriedly buy extra drives from Gilmore and rebuild the RAID server. This effectively negated one week’s worth of backup restoration.
And that’s not all of it. Later in the evening, as I was connecting the backup drive to the newly arrived Buffalo Terastation Pro 2, the drive suddenly started smoking! I was able to quickly disconnect the power. It turns out the AC adapter failed and was probably feeding a higher voltage to the drive.
I needed to see if the drive is okay so I tried mounting it on Windows. It can see the disk but since it has a Linux EXT3 filesystem, Windows couldn’t see the files. Still it was a good sign. I then tried mounting it in on Linux but it really can’t see the disk!
Why is this happening to me?
UPDATE: Hallelujah! It works! I brought Selene, my now-Linux-based Thinkpad X22, to the office to see if it can mount and read the drive. And it did! I’m so glad and relieved. Whew!
I attended Beth and Banjo’s wedding last sunday and there was this opera singer singing at the reception. I mentioned it to Paul and he told me about the video of this guy, Paul Potts, who won BGT. He sang Nessun Dorma during the auditions and also in the finals. This led me to a video of the three great tenors Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo, and Luciano Pavarotti singing the same song. Although Paul Potts is good, these guys are a different level altogether. Even if you don’t understand the words, you can feel so much power and emotion and it just totally blows you away. Freakin’ awesome.
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma! Tu pure, o Principessa, nella tua fredda stanza, guardi le stelle che tremano d’amore, e di speranza!
Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me; il nome mio nessun saprà ! No, No! Sulla tua bocca lo dirò quando la luce splenderà !
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio che ti fa mia!
(Il nome suo nessun saprà … E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir, morir!)
Dilegua, o notte! Tramontate, stelle! Tramontate, stelle! All’alba vincerò! Vincerò! Vincerò!
I almost couldn’t sleep :P