Flex: Security Error Accessing URL Part 2

I previously encountered this error when I was working only within my own development box (laptop actually) and I basically worked around the error. But now, I need my Flex Web Service client separate from my Web Service. when you are in this situation, you need to have a crossdomain.xml file in your host’s root directory:

<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=”master-only”/>
<allow-access-from domain=”yourdomain”/>
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain=”yourdomain” headers=”*”/>

And if the host is a secure/HTTPS server, you just need to add the secure attribute:

<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies=”master-only”/>
<allow-access-from domain=”yourdomain” secure=”false”/>
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain=”yourdomain” headers=”*” secure=”false”/>

Flex: Custom HTML Wrappers In Ant

Building Flex using ant build files is generally straightforward. Unfortunately, this is not so with using custom HTML wrappers. You cannot use the html-wrapper task since this only uses the standard templates in Flex’s html-template folder. If you want to use your own index.template.html in your own html-template folder, you will need to use a workaround:

<macrodef name=”generateHtmlWrapper” description=”Generates HTML Wrapper using custom template”>
<attribute name=”file”/>
<attribute name=”title”/>
<attribute name=”application”/>
<attribute name=”swf”/>
<attribute name=”width”/>
<attribute name=”height”/>
<attribute name=”bgcolor”/>
<attribute name=”version-major”/>
<attribute name=”version-minor”/>
<attribute name=”version-revision”/><attribute name=”template”/> <attribute name=”output”/>

<copy todir=”@{output}/history”>
<fileset dir=”html-template/history”/>
<copy file=”html-template/AC_OETags.js” todir=”@{output}”/>
<copy file=”html-template/playerProductInstall.swf” todir=”@{output}” />
<copy file=”html-template/index.template.html” tofile=”@{output}/@{file}” />

<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${title}” value=”@{title}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${swf}” value=”@{swf}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${width}” value=”@{width}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${height}” value=”@{height}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${bgcolor}” value=”@{bgcolor}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${application}” value=”@{application}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${version_major}” value=”@{version-major}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${version_minor}” value=”@{version-minor}”/>
<replace file=”@{output}/@{file}” token=”$${version_revision}” value=”@{version-revision}”/>

Thanks to Renaun Erickson for the solution!

Flex: Unable To Open Locale

When you’re working with locales in Flex, you would put in the following code in you ant build file:

<source-path path-element=”locale/it_IT”/>
<include-resource-bundles>formlabels</include-resource-bundles> <source-path path-element=”${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks”/> <output>bin/formlabels_it_IT.swf</output>

Then when you get a puzzling error:

[mxmlc] C:\Program Files\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\frameworks\flex-config.xml(75): Error: unable to open ‘locale/it_IT’

But don’t you have that exact directory? Well, apparently Flex is actually looking for the it_IT folder in its locale folder. The solutions is to just create an empty it_IT folder:

<macrodef name=”compileLocale” description=”Compiles the Resource package for the given locale”>
<attribute name=”locale” default=”en_US”/>
<attribute name=”outputdir” default=”bin-debug”/>
<!– Create the Flex Home directory for the language in question. This is necessary to compensate for a bug in pre-3.2 releases of mxmlc. –>
<mkdir dir=”${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/locale/@{locale}”/>

<!– Invoke MXMLC –> <mxmlc> <locale>@{locale}</locale> <source-path path-element=”locale/{locale}”/> <include-resource-bundles>formlabels</include-resource-bundles> <source-path path-element=”${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks”/> <output>@{outputdir}/formlabels_@{locale}.swf</output>

Thanks to Adobe Cookbooks for the solution!


Buffalo LinkStation Live

I finally got my LinkStation back from the shop. Only, it’s now a Linkstation Live. Here’s how it happened: A few months ago my CD-R King HDD enclosure died when it suffered a workplace accident. To replace it, I bought a Buffalo LinkStation Pro. But after a only few months, it conked out (Lesson Learned: Do not store important data in these unreliable drives!).

Fortunately,  it was still under warranty so I asked James to return it to the shop for repairs. After a few weeks, the shop told us it can no longer be repaired and that they’re sourcing a replacement unit. After a few more weeks, they still couldn’t find a replacement unit. After repeated phone calls by James, they eventually decided to replace with the newer LinkStation Live.

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Assassin’s Creed II

Assassin’s Creed II is the sequel to the love-it-or-hate-it Assassin’s Creed. I myself haven’t played the first game but from what I see one group loved it because of the huge, detailed, and history-based game world and storyline. While the other group hated it because of the dreary repetitive missions and bland cutscenes.

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