
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream, Merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.

That nursery rhyme is very apt for this movie. Inception means the beginning or creation of something. In the movie, inception is the microcosm of an idea that once planted to a person through a dream and accepted becomes the basis of that person’s thoughts, opinion, other ideas, and even his or her personality.

Cobb(Leonardo DiCaprio) is an “extractor”, someone who retrieves information from a person by going into that person’s consciousness and extracting the information. He is hired by Saito (Ken Watanabe) to attempt the heretofore untried inception on a competitor. As in a typical heist movie, he then assembles a crew to do the job and after the usual drama, set about doing it. Of course, since most of these happen in a dream, you definitely can’t expect the usual.

But it is a heist movie in the same vein as The Italian Job and The Thomas Crown Affair. That’s tough company but even if Inception is not one of the best heist movies, it’s certainly one of the more imaginative ones. It has action but it isn’t as edgy as The Matrix, to which it can and will be compared to. It has some twists but it doesn’t attempt to befuddle the user: Whenever things get a little bit complicated, the characters make sure to explain everything (sometimes a little too much). But put together, it’s a well-built, riveting movie.

Rating: 4/5

Starcraft II Is Out!

Finally, 10 years after the first, Starcraft II is out! How big an event is this? BIG! We’re talking about a game that has sold over 11 million copies, still being played all these years, and is Korea’s national sport. They even declared today an official holiday. Of course, there’s a lot of unofficial and personal holidays elsewhere today.

It is doubtful if it can better the original but time will tell (like maybe 10 years) but it looks great, modern, and fun in its own right. There’s no LAN play which was arguably one of the reasons why the original is so popular. That’s a bummer but we can do without that anachronism as shown by World of Warcraft. Maybe it will even force those ISPs to drastically improve their service.

Looks like I’ll be needing a new gaming computer.

Customer Service Hotlines

If you’ve been dealing with companies long enough, you will notice a notable decline in their customer service. It has become impersonal and less of a service. Nowhere is this more apparent than with the so-called customer service hotline.

First off, it’s not exactly a hotline. A hotline is supposedly a direct and immediate telephone linkup, especially between heads of government, as for use in a crisis. But with most customer service hotlines you get a busy or unavailable signal. Good luck on your crisis.

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Snake: YouTube Edition

Everybody with one of those classic monochrome Nokia phones would know Snake, that game where you control a snake going around the screen consuming apples which in turn makes the snake longer and longer and making it harder and harder to consume more apples. It was quite useful when you’re waiting and bored.

Now if you’re watching YouTube and you have extremely slow Internet connectivity (like when you’re using Sun “Broadband” Wireless) you will be waiting and bored a lot. Worry not, as I discovered just today, the cool dudes at YouTube apparently programmed in Snake in their Flash-based player. Just press any of the arrow keys when the rotating buffering animation comes up on the player screen. Have fun!

2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe

On my way from Servitek, I dropped by a Hyundai dealership along the way. I checked out the Genesis Coupe on display and I noticed that it seemed different from the one I saw last Saturday. This got me curious  and, after a few minutes of searching, I learned Hyundai has come out with the 2011 model year Genesis Coupe.

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