Speck PixelSkin

Okay so putting the gorgeous iPhone 4 inside a case generally fuglifies it. Nor is it recommended to put it in a case with a covered back due to spontaneous cracking issues. However, there are times when you need a measure of protection. Depending on how rough your destination is you can choose between a bumper to a heavy-duty case like the Otterbox Defender.

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Return To Naawan

Yesterday, we went to the beach at Naawan. We stayed at the old guest house at MSU Naawan. It had been renovated and a few rooms have been added but it’s pretty much the same as before. The house held many good memories. We’ve been there quite a few times with childhood friends. I remember throwing a pack of Chippy to the sea for some fisherman to find and give to his kid. This is also where I lost my red-handled Swiss Army Knife knock-off while swimming. It was good to come back and visit. Jeanne had a blast walking around on the wooden floor. Mainly assisted but she did a few short unassisted ones. She also enjoyed taking a dip at the beach, her first time. Maybe she will fondly remember the place too.

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!! The word Christmas comes from “Cristes Maesse”, an early English phrase that means “Mass of Christ.” It is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ (not the birth day itself which could be any one of the 365.25 days of the year). Jesus is about peace, love, and understanding (what’s so funny about that?). It’s the time of the year when we set grudges and ill feelings aside that we may have accumulated for the past year (or the past years!). Such things are sometimes unavoidable but if we clean the slate even just once a year then it make for a better world. Unfortunately, two millenniums later, it’s still far off.

Holiday Travel Blues

We made the mistake of dropping by the PhilEquity office to create an account for Michelle and Jeanne. We ended up getting delayed and got to the airport terminal late. And then we found the overnight parking brimming FULL!!! The only recourse was to head over to Park ‘N Fly. After fighting through heavy traffic, hastily parking the car at Park ‘N Fly, and fighting through traffic (this time on a chauffeured shuttle) back to the airport terminal, we found the check-in counter already closed. We were directed to the service counter where we found out that all flights were booked. We asked about being chance passengers and luckily we would be the first ones. There was a hefty change in the fare (almost four times) but we had no choice. Michelle (with  Jeanne on her lap), and I were able to on the next flight and James, who was travelling with us, got on the flight after that. Talk about being lucky!