Michelle had to go to this dinner get-together with some friends. Since her mom, who takes care of Jeanne during weekdays had to go home, it was left to me to babysit Jeanne. She’s becoming such a bundle of energy. While she’s still not walking independently yet (her deadline is this month), she would take your hand and drag you walking around the house. It’s a joy but it can get tiring. Whereas she just keeps on going, and going, and going. Kids are amazing!
During workdays, I often have to drive Michelle to her office then proceed to my office. At the end of the day, I pick her up before proceeding home. That means I spend about 4 hours per day driving! In a month that would be around 100 hours or more than an astounding 4 days! That’s a major loss! You only have a fixed amount of time and can’t get any back. If the time I spend driving can be cut down even by half, I’d have 2 full days per month of my time back. Time better spent with Jeanne, for example. Or learning iPhone programming. Or even just sleeping! If that’s not justification for another car, I don’t know what is!
Last night, I saw this blog post recommending buying of a rather obscure stock. Things like these always remind me of the pump and dump scam. Maybe not to the letter as described in the link but similar: a known expert or guru, a lot of noise and a “buy” recommendation, price rise, sudden price decline, and then no more mention of the stock or, if you’re lucky, a short and belated “take profit” note.
Call me cynical, but I don’t just swallow whatever those so-called experts and gurus are saying hook, line, and sinker. They may know more than me but still I try to study the company, read the news about the company, analyze the information, and come up with my own conclusion whether it’s a good buy or goodbye. It’s usually the latter.
I had nothing much to do while recuperating from a nasty cold so I played and finally finished Infinity Blade, an iPhone game. The gameplay itself is nothing to write home about. You, and your descendants, make repeated attempts to kill the antagonist, the so-called God King. To this end, you have a progressively more expensive array of helmets, shields, armor, swords, and magic rings.
Once equipped, you head into the God King’s castle along a pre-set path, encountering a handful of the God King’s champions along the way and impaling or disemboweling and generally disposing of them until you reach the God King in his throne room and try to do the same to him. To accomplish this, you can dodge, block, parry, slash, stab with your sword, and occasionally cast a spell.
Pretty run-of-the-mill stuff, right? But how all these was translated into a mobile touchscreen-controlled game and with such gorgeous graphics is the marvelous thing. It’s only a few years ago that this kind of graphics can be found only in monster gaming PCs with bleeding edge graphics cards. But here it is now in the palm of your hand. Nothing short of awesome!
Rating: 5/5
Michelle had to go to this funeral cum get-together with friends (in this country, practically everything is a social event) so I had to drive and drop her off so she can go to the funeral while I then went on to take Jeanne to the in-laws. Would have been a breeze except that I got bitten by a nasty bug, probably during the holidays, and it’s rearing it’s ugly head. Normally colds would just be sniffles or a congested nose at worst but this one gave me a fever and a bad headache. When we got to the in-laws I had to babysit Jeanne for an hour or so before I got a chance to lie down. I didn’t know who’s been lying on the bed nor what they did but at that point I couldn’t care less. Lying down never felt so good!