Jeanne Is Walking!

This evening, Jeanne surprised me by walking from the living room to the bedroom unaided! She thought I was holding her but I was actually just following her to make sure she doesn’t fall. Her gait is still ungainly but the milestone has been achieved! Way to go, baby love! :*

Not Another Bus Incident!

There was an explosion in a bus that was traveling along EDSA. Good thing there were no foreigners involved like the other recent bus incident. Bad thing is a lot of people still got killed and injured. It’s likely the work of Muslim extremists since they’ve done this thing before (LRT bombing in 2000 and bus bombing in 2005). Back then, the security of commuter trains was tightened but it’s not something you can do with buses. With this new bombing, they should beef up commuter train security, lengthen operating times, and increase train frequency. That way people will stop riding buses and use the more secure trains.


Today was a bloodbath in the market. Everything was red. Maybe in the coming days the market would go up, maybe it would go down. It’s anybody’s guess. But if you find something with good long-term value (as opposed to short-term price) and have the cash, it would have been a good day to buy. Even Henry Sy got in on it.

Plastic Bag Ban

We went for a drive to Alabang Town Center this today. We had lunch at Brooklyn Pizza which, I claimed to Michelle, is better than Avenetto. While eating, I noticed one diner holding up paper bags with slightly greasy bottoms asking for a plastic bag. The staff told him it’s not allowed and he left with his greasy paper bags. We also had to take home part of our lunch. The staff packed it in paper bags. On the way back to the parking building, we dropped by Mercury to buy some stuff, and again they put everything in a paper bag. It was paper bags everywhere!

Back home, I learned that Muntinlupa had passed an ordinance banning plastic bags. A commendable action indeed. Of course, there are a lot of whiners. One big complaint is it’s hard to carry bigger items in paper bags. The answer is to always have in hand reusable plastic or fabric bags, you know, the ones your mother or grandmother used to bring to the market. Instead of whining against something that’s good for the environment, we should think of ways to help make it work.

The Black Knight Cometh

When we were kids, James and I would play for hours and hours with our Lego bricks. One of our imaginary characters were Black Knight and White Knight, leaders of a motley band of adventurers who roamed the land, besieged and defended castles, fought dragons, and other such things you would do in the fantasy land of kids.

Several years ago he got a white Nissan Sentra B13 and soon after I also got a white Nissan Sentra B14, our White Knights. Two years or so back, he shifted to a black Honda City while my White Knight soldiered on. But today, after a long wait, I finally got my own Black Knight, a Hyundai Genesis Coupe 2.0T BK! Yay’s the word!