Big Bert’s

There are car washes and there are car washes. Big Bert’s is one of those. It’s a professional operation. The staff are uniformed and well-supervised, the work area is clean and well laid out. Electrical cables are hung on runners along the ceiling, waxes and soaps are. And the work is simply exemplary. Definitely worth a visit but you should be early as the place gets mobbed especially during weekends.

Rating: 5/5

Who Moved My Phone?

Jeanne doesn’t like it when I’m using my phone and she wants to play. She would take it and toss it away. I would usually, after playing with her for a bit, pick it up and resume where I left off. But tonight, she took it and hid it under a pillow! Smart kiddo!

Jeanne Is Walking!

This evening, Jeanne surprised me by walking from the living room to the bedroom unaided! She thought I was holding her but I was actually just following her to make sure she doesn’t fall. Her gait is still ungainly but the milestone has been achieved! Way to go, baby love! :*

Not Another Bus Incident!

There was an explosion in a bus that was traveling along EDSA. Good thing there were no foreigners involved like the other recent bus incident. Bad thing is a lot of people still got killed and injured. It’s likely the work of Muslim extremists since they’ve done this thing before (LRT bombing in 2000 and bus bombing in 2005). Back then, the security of commuter trains was tightened but it’s not something you can do with buses. With this new bombing, they should beef up commuter train security, lengthen operating times, and increase train frequency. That way people will stop riding buses and use the more secure trains.