Fried Anything

There was a time when I loved fried anything: chicken, pork, fish. You name it, if it’s fried I love it. But those days were long gone. These days, the aroma has become a stink, the crunchiness has become dryness, the juiciness has become greasiness, and the taste has become simply salty. Not that I wouldn’t eat fried. It’s just not my first, even second or third, choice.

UPDATE: Guess what was for dinner? Fried chicken wings! :P

Infinity Blade New Game+

I actually beat Zero Mech and the ancestor inside it a few days back but I wasn’t able to activate New Game+ mode so I had to go try beating them again. This time, I used the cheat exploit: Every time Zero Mech or the ancestor beats me, I exit Infinity Blade, terminate the Infinity Blade process, and start again in front of Zero Mech. Saved time going through the low-level champions again and again. I finally beat them both again and activated New Game+. Now I’m harvesting gold for the Zero Mech equipment now available on the store. This game sure is worth the $4.99 spent!

The Middle East Conundrum

The recent events in the middle east shows how complicated the region is. The lack of democracy in most of these Arab regimes is supposed to have led to the rise of radical Islam. Or is it these Arab regimes that are the bulwark against the rise the radical Islam? Now there are uprisings all over notably in Libya. And the US and NATO have intervened in support of the rebels who, prior to being almost defeated by the Libyan government, were not just a little anti-West. But even some of the Arab league countries supporting the US and NATO intervention have uprisings in their midst and more often there are radical Islam movements involved. Will the US also intervene in say Syria and Yemen? Is the US actually helping future enemies just like what happened in Afghanistan and, it seems, Iraq? It’s a mess. And we’re not even into the Israel issue yet.

Melvin and Raye’s Wedding

Jeanne, Michelle, and I went to Tagaytay to attend Melvin and Raye’s wedding. We were planning to have lunch so we went relatively early and had lunch at the Mano’s Greek Tavern in front of what we thought was the Lourdes church. The menu is a bit sparse but the chicken a la corfu is pretty good.

After lunch, we crossed over to the church which turned out to be the Lourdes convent not the church! We hustled over to the actual church and joined Liesl, Dhenz, and JD. We were just in time to see Raye march up the nave. That’s about as much of the wedding I saw. The rest of the time, I was running around after Jeanne.

After the wedding, we went to the reception. Things got delayed a bit when it drizzled (always expect rain in the afternoon in Tagaytay). But it soon stopped and the party went on. Highlight of the evening was when Melvin danced to Silhouette and Too Sexy. We left soon after that as there was still a long drive ahead.

Congratulations Melvin and Raye!