Last night, we were having dinner when we somehow skipped the customary prayer before dinner. I was on my second spoonful when suddenly, Jeanne brought her hands together and said “Pray!” And so we belatedly did.
Last Friday, Michelle got Jeanne a stamp toy from Jollibee. It consists of a palette, a brush, a stamp, and a bottle of green paint. While eating, we played stamp first on a napkin and later on the receipt. When it was time to leave, Michelle packed the toy up in a plastic bag and put it on the table when we got home. It sat there forgotten.
This afternoon, Jeanne saw the plastic bag on the table and asked for it. Then she asked me to open it. I took out and gave her the toy but since I was concerned she might make a mess, I made sure to hide and not to take out the bottle of paint. I put the bag back to the table while she played and gleefully going “(S)tamp! (S)tamp!”. After a minute or two, she noticed something was missing and went back to the table for the bag. What can I do? I gave her some paint and we played stamp.
Some paint got into her hands and shirt and when she was done playing, she asked me to wash her hands and change her shirt.
Android has pretty much won the smartphone operating system wars. Not that Apple or Blackberry will be going away anytime. In fact, given the historic resilience of Apple, it will probably remain as a major player catering to a specific market. Now, with the release of Android 3.1 Honeycomb Google encroaches more and more into tablets and netbooks operating systems. Soon it will be notebooks and desktops. I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually go to server operating systems.
Jeanne has been doing slipper chores for weeks now. When I got home this afternoon, she surprised me by giving me my slippers without me asking for it.
Michelle was off to Divisoria with Yvette. So I’m left with Jeanne. When she woke up, I prepared breakfast of hard boiled eggs, sausages, and orange juice. She drank the juice, of course, and ate the egg but didn’t like the sausages. After breakfast, we played/read till she eventually got tired/bored, I then gave her milk and she napped, her usual pattern. Michelle was supposed to arrive with lunch by noon but she got delayed so we ended up having the chicken adobo I cooked for dinner the night before.