Jeanne, Michelle, and I went to High Street for a Father’s Day dinner. After dinner we dropped by Animaland and she grabbed this black bear. Michelle tried to show her a giraffe, an elephant, even a polar bear but she wouldn’t let go of the black bear. So we decided to adopt the black bear. And since it was my day, I got to name him Mormont.
Last night, Michelle was off to an office dinner so Jeanne and I were with each other from about 5PM onwards as Lola, who was with her the whole day, had to go sleep. We played till she eventually got tired/bored, we had dinner, she fed Mickey and Violet, we read books, we played some more. I tried putting her to sleep but she didn’t want to and got cranky. Or was it the other way around? She usually gets cranky when she gets sleepy. Eventually, as I was hugging her and she Mickey Mouse, she slowly fell asleep. I lay back and slept. So there I was, baby and stuffed toy on my chest, sleeping until Michelle arrived.
Back in the old days, PLDT owns the only large-scale communications infrastructure: the huge network of telephone lines. Not that it was huge enough: A large part of the country lacked a telephone infrastructure. It was a huge business opportunity but the costs and logistics involved is overwhelming and there were few if any entrants. PLDT enjoyed a monopoly as virtually the only telecommunication provider.
Then there was a disruptive technology: cellular phones. It eventually developed to the point where costs and logistics became more manageable. Quite a few cellular phone service providers (Globe, Smart, PilTel, IslaCom, ExtelCom, DigiTel/Sun Cellular, etc) cropped up to exploit this now lucrative market and compete with PLDT. Of course, PLDT didn’t stand still and soon acquired Smart, the fastest way to get your own cellular phone infrastructure.
I haven’t read fiction much these days but back in grade school, when I was 8 or so, I started on my first novel: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I found it lying about with my mom’s stuff and curious as I was, read it. I remember having a struggle reading this new book that had no pictures.
I persevered and eventually went through the book and soon after The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I also went through the Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys (one book every afternoon after class). During high school, I kept reading: going through Tolkien’s books again, suspense/thrillers notably The Bourne series and even crap like Mills and Boons(!). During college, there was a whole bunch: Robotech, the Robot Series, the Foundation Series, the Clancy books, a bunch of Crichton books, the Dragonlance Chronicles, and more.
by Lee Bernstein
I love you
You love me
We’re a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won’t you say you love me too?
I love you
You love me
We’re best friends
Like friends should be
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won’t you say you love me too?
*Earlier, I showed Jeanne a YouTube video of Barney singing this song and she would sing along “I wab you! I wab you!” and just before “With a great big hug” she would also hug me. I feel sooo loved!