A Dance With Dragons Is Out!

Alex told me that book five of the Song of Ice and Fire, A Dance With Dragons, is out. I knew that  the US release was supposed to be July 12 but it somehow skipped my mind. But now it’s out and I can’t wait to get reading. Just as well since I’ve run out of TV episodes to watch, books to read, and I can’t seem to get the momentum to play through Infamous, my PSN welcome back freebie. Thanks, Alex!

UPDATE: Finished the book. Definitely better than the previous book A Feast for Crows. As intended, while the previous book focuses on the south, this book focuses on the north (and across the narrow sea). Although there’s an overlap in narrative (notably the POVs of Cersei and Jaime), it simply brings together the two separate threads into one book as teaser for the next. The book itself got all the elements that was missing in the previous one, i.e. big things happen, and when it ends, I’m left satisfied and yet looking forward for more. Looks like it’s going to be a long wait.

Photon Microlight Upgrade

Jeanne got these little toy LED lights from Jet’s birthday party. We were playing around with them when I noticed how bright the yellow one is. I took out my trusty Photon Microlight and indeed it pales in comparison to the toy! So I swapped the LEDs and now my Photon Microlight is brighter :D

Baby’s Day Out

I didn’t really get kiddie parties. Jeanne was too small during some earlier parties. And though she had fun at Megan’s birthday party, she slept through much of it. But today, Jeanne, Michelle, and I attended Jet’s birthday party and the look on her face when she was mingling/playing with the other kids, seeing Jollibee, and gathering around the birthday cake for the candle blowing was priceless. I think I now get kiddie parties.

A Feast For Crows

Finished A Feast for Crows last night. More like a feast for flies. This book is where things became mundane. Pretty much nothing happens. Good thing it’s short. Things did start to pick up towards the end. But then it ends… in multiple cliffhangers. What’s really disappointing is that it seems you can skip quite a lot of this book and it wouldn’t have mattered much. We’ll have to see on the sixth book because while this book focuses on what happens on the south, the fifth book focuses on what happens in the north. I just hope fifth book is not of the same content as this.