The Google+ iPhone app is out. And I can’t get it. Apparently it is not yet available on the local app store. What? App stores are by country?!? Yup! And it’s not solely for content distribution purposes. The Internet is breaking down international barriers of time and distance (how else can offshoring work so well?) and yet some people (cough*apple*cough) insist on raising artificial barriers. Boo!
Today was the scheduled go live date of a project at work. Since it’s an onshore project, Nino and I were at our respective homes standing by to provide support. Nothing much happened until 1AM when the calls and the emails started coming in. There was a major issue and it didn’t look like phone support will do. So by 4AM, I took a quick shower and drove off the the office. By 5AM I was already at the office resolving the issue. Fortunately, it resolved pretty quick and the rest of the day was comparably less frantic and I was able to leave by 3PM. Whew!
Jeanne, Michelle, and I went to UP for an afternoon picnic and get together with friends. We were the first to arrive so we staked a spot at the amphitheater and played with Jeanne’s mini-football. Later we were joined first by Matt, Weng, and Bob and soon after by Tomas, Jen, Sting, and Emily. Too bad Cassel, Crissy, and Jim didn’t make it. The little ones had lots of fun. Maybe next time.
Today, we got a small locker for the small room at home. It came disassembled and as usual, I was excited about assembling it. As soon as we got home, I got going on assembly right away. And then ran smack into the poorly-made one-page assembly instructions. For many long minutes I puzzled it out but eventually I figured things out one after the other and got into the physical aspect of the assembly. A bit more physical than I was planning since I couldn’t find my power screwdriver. But pretty soon I completed the assembly and stood sweaty and tired admiring the result of all my hard work. Sometimes simple things just make your day.
Alex told me that book five of the Song of Ice and Fire, A Dance With Dragons, is out. I knew that the US release was supposed to be July 12 but it somehow skipped my mind. But now it’s out and I can’t wait to get reading. Just as well since I’ve run out of TV episodes to watch, books to read, and I can’t seem to get the momentum to play through Infamous, my PSN welcome back freebie. Thanks, Alex!
UPDATE: Finished the book. Definitely better than the previous book A Feast for Crows. As intended, while the previous book focuses on the south, this book focuses on the north (and across the narrow sea). Although there’s an overlap in narrative (notably the POVs of Cersei and Jaime), it simply brings together the two separate threads into one book as teaser for the next. The book itself got all the elements that was missing in the previous one, i.e. big things happen, and when it ends, I’m left satisfied and yet looking forward for more. Looks like it’s going to be a long wait.