RIP Steve Jobs

This morning, when I got to my desk and checked the iPhone, I read the news: Steve Jobs has passed away. Just a day after the launch of Apple’s latest iPhone, just a few months after he resigned as CEO of Apple. His passing is the end of an era for Apple, the industry, even the world. He is a visionary whose ideas, principles, and philosophies (much influenced by Zen) are what formed Apple and its products to what they are today: less technical and more functional. Or more simply put: simple and works. He will be missed.


Apple iPhone 4S

I tried to guess how Apple’s Let’s Talk iPhone event would go. Boy was I so wrong!

Of course, they will announce the iPhone 5. It’s not the iPhone 4S or 4+ because it makes marketing sense to have the iPhone 5 match iOS 5. And just one phone because the notification badge says 1.

There’s no need for a low-end phone because iPhone 4 will, after the announcement, become the lower-end phone. Maybe they will come up with an iPhone 4 with lower memory but it will still be an iPhone 4. There’s no marketing sense in calling it iPhone 4-.

The iPhone 5 will be a taller, wider phone with an aluminum back following the general design pattern of the iPad 2. Although the display is bigger, resolution remains the same as the iPhone 4 because they want to leverage the current existing Retina apps. It will have a dual-core processor, 1GB RAM, and 64GB storage in line with current smartphones specifications. But these will not be highlighted or maybe even mentioned.

Yet, I’m actually glad I was.

I wasn’t even considering getting the supposed iPhone 5 because it was bigger and, frankly, the iPad 2 design isn’t that great. So I was thinking of just maintaining the iPhone 4 upgraded to iOS 5. But by upgrading the internals and retaining the form-factor, you get a premium compact smartphone with up-to-date specs. And I could even reuse my iPhone 4 cases (I have three). Now I’m actually considering getting one.

Flooded Plains

Michelle had to have her bridesmaids(?) gown for Khae’s wedding fitted so we had to head over to Angeles in the middle of Quiel’s wrath. Fortunately, for us anyway, the typhoon is a bit up there in the north so there wasn’t too much happening down south. Still, the rains have been going on since Pedring a week back and there’s quite a lot of flooding. Exactly how much, we saw when we passed the Central Luzon plains area, specifically the Candaba area which is known for its swamp so the area is really low-lying and prone to flooding.

Let’s Talk iPhone

Apple has finally sent out invites to their much anticipated October 4 press conference. So on Tuesday October 4 10AM at their corporate HQ in Cupertino, CA, Apple will make an announcement.

Of course, they will announce the iPhone 5. It’s not the iPhone 4S or 4+ because it makes marketing sense to have the iPhone 5 match iOS 5. And just one phone because the notification badge says 1.

There’s no need for a low-end phone because iPhone 4 will, after the announcement, become the lower end phone. Maybe they will come up with an iPhone 4 with lower memory but it will still be an iPhone 4. There’s no marketing sense in calling it iPhone 4-.

The iPhone 5 will be a taller, wider phone with an aluminum back following the general design pattern of the iPad 2. Although the display is bigger, resolution remains the same as the iPhone 4 because they want to leverage the current existing Retina apps. It will have a dual-core processor, 1GB RAM, and 64GB storage in line with current smartphones specifications. But these will not be highlighted or maybe even mentioned.

Now let’s see if I got anything right.


Bladeless Fan

Last Friday, Alex texted me saying he’s got Jeanne’s Christmas gift and if I can pick it up. So I went over and he gave me this bladeless fan. Perfect for babies and toddlers like Jeanne. And of course, it’s not exactly bladeless. Hidden inside the base is a real fan that takes in air through intake vents and feeds it up and out vents along the inside of the aerodynamically-shaped tube. This provides the airflow which then induces the air behind to flow through the tube. Supposedly this provides 15x airflow if the marketing blurbs are to be believed. In actual use, it may not be the strongest fan (industrials are) but the geek factor more than makes up for it. Thanks Uncle Alex!