
New Trackpoint Cap

A week ago, my friend Drawde finally delivered the Trackpoint caps I asked him to get me a few months ago during one of his not-too-infrequent trips to Japan. Unfortunately, he had misplaced it and only found it last week. He gave me the tiny plastic bag and there they are: three perfectly-shaped Trackpoint caps. These are the textured flat-headed caps, not the easily worn down eraser-head caps that I have been using (there is a third type: rimmed flat-headed caps). I immediately replaced my current cap which I had just installed not too long ago. The new cap fit snugly in place and definitely improves control by providing a bigger point of contact and better traction. And although it looks pretty durable, the insurance provided by two spare caps is very comforting.

Creative SBS 350

The subwoofer of my old Logitech 4.1 speaker system had given up the ghost a few month back. I haven’t found a reason to replace it then. But lately I’ve been listening to music. And with the holy week then coming up, there’s the inevitable marathon of TV show episodes. Listening to limited-bass sound for a lengthy duration, though quite feasible, is not entirely palatable. So I decided to get an SBS 350. It’s a 2.1 system. I decided on 2.1 because I hadn’t been using the 2 speakers from my old Logitech system. The speaker units are black, elegant-looking and well-made. They matched my Thinkpad quite well. Installation was a snap. There was sufficient length of wiring to position the satellites and the subwoofer anywhere within reason. At a total of 20W power, it’s more than sufficient for solo listening or even for a small room. Just don’t expect surround. The bass can be overwhelming at times but you can tone it down with the graphic equalizer available in any media player software. It’s not the best speaker system there is but for most bang for your buck, it can’t be beat.

Rating: 4/5

V for Vendetta

Remember, remember, the fifth of November.

I don’t know about the fifth of November but I sure will remember this movie.

Coming from the Wachowski brothers of the awesome The Matrix and the not-so-awesome Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions, you would expect V for Vendetta to be a great action-packed movie. But that is not really the case. There was not a really spectacular action scene except towards the end when the protagonist eviscerates a bunch of the British Gestapo in a few seconds. Okay so it was slowed down, but that’s for the benefit of the viewers :P

This is not to say the movie is not good. in fact it is very good. But for other reasons. Aside from a being a bit of an action movie and a not-so-quite-love story, it is also an almost political movie. An oppressive regime, a diabolic scheme to gain and maintain power, a vengeance seeking freedom fighter (or terrorist depending on who you talk to), the use of the media for political purposes, inspiring the reluctant into taking action against oppression, … It was actually this side of the movie that I liked best. Parallels to the current situation in this country? You be the judge. For that you need to watch this movie. So go!

Rating: 5/5

Lord of War

Scarcely a few weeks have passed from seeing Syriana when I get to watch another movie on evil corporations. In Lord of War it’s the military and the arms industry, the so-called military-industrial complex. Nicholas Cage is Yuri Orlov, a big if not the biggest player in the arms trade industry. As usual, Cage is great though at times I forget that this is a rather serious movie. I think he has played one too many comedies :P

In the movie, Orlov narrates how he got started on the industry, starting with a few Israeli Uzi to truckloads of Russian AK-47s and even to tanks and helicopters. He tells how work has affected him: how he lost his wife, son, brother, his humanity… But this is not just about the story of a lost soul, it is also an expose on the industry. Throughout his story, the movie shows the ugly side of the industry (is there a pretty side?): people killing, people dying. And not just ordinary people but children. The movie also showed the drugs and the conflict diamonds which are frequently used as payments for arms are shown to complete the picture of how evil the trade is.

Unexpectedly a pretty interesting movie.

Rating: 4/5


Most of us had at one time or the other become cynical enough to suspect of the great evil of the mega-corporations and their lap dog, the government. Syriana gives those suspicions visual and aural life. A more watchable Farenheit 911, it is the story of an oil company intent on taking control of an oil field at all costs, a progressive Arab prince intent on doing right, standing on their way, a CIA agent manipulated into something he had no idea of. The stories of these men and more are spun and weaved together into a thought-provoking oil business/political thriller. If you don’t believe the mega-corporations (or at least the oil companies) are evil, this will at least make you think twice. An absolutely great watch!

Rating: 5/5