Alex lent me a DVD of Kubuntu 7.10. Kubuntu is the version of Ubuntu that is packaged with KDE. For some reason he likes it and since he’s the Linux guru, who am I to second guess him? Hehe.Soon as I got home, I installed to Selene, my Thinkpad X22. The installation went without a hitch and in no time I was in Kubuntu. Everything else does though. I updated everything, played around with the look-and-feel, and was browsing (with a separately installed Firefox) and chatting (with Kopete). Almost everything worked. But unfortunately, both hibernate and standby don’t work! Argh. Now I’ll have to wait for Mr. Linux guru to to help me fix the problem.
I’ve been playing around with Fedora 7 on Selene, my Thinkpad X22, and I must say I was disappointed. Hibernate and standby didn’t work. Not even with Software Suspend 2. I consider those two to be critical features for a notebook so their not working just won’t do. Upon the recommendation of Alex, I installed Ubuntu 7 Feisty Fawn. Well what do you know? Almost everything, including hibernate and standby, “just works” as advertised out of the box. The two things I noticed didn’t work is the sound and the PCMCIA WiFi. Sound is not critical and the PCMCIA WiFi card is a 3rd party device so it’s no big deal. I like Red Hat and Fedora but does Ubuntu rock! I think I’m a convert.
UPDATE: Alex logged on to Selene and fixed the sound and the WiFi. Thanks man!
Je m’appelle Jay. Je suis Philippin. Je suis informaticien. Je travaille a Mandaluyong. J’habite a Quezon City aux Philippines. J’ai beucoup passion: livres, Histoire (particulierement Histoire militaire), jeux d’ordinateur, campant, plongée de mer, skydiving (ne fais pas), la voitures, la cuisine, la guitare, la randonée, le Java, la cinema, la photographie, et la programmation. Mon reve est de vivre dans les montagnes Andalouses parce que il a belle montagnes.
Et vous? Qui etes-vous?
They say today will be a traffic congestion-free and a zero-crime rate day in the Philippines. Everyone will be at home watching Manny Pacquiao’s match against Antonio Barrera. It’s of course a joke but it’s not too far-fetched and it’s nice to see something grabbing the common interest of so many Filipinos. Go Pacman!
UPDATE: Pacman won! Yay!