
2008 June 7 to 8 Crystal Beach Resort, San Narciso, Zambales

Finally, the long-awaited return to Crystal Beach for more surfing.

We took the newly opened Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway (SCTEX). I’ll have to say that it beats NLEX hands down. It has NLEX’s nice asphalt surface PLUS Star Tollway’s low traffic. It seemed to be a very good place to open up your throttle and see what your driving machine is capable of. And open the throttle I did. Hell, everyone did. Khae, who was driving a gen 8 H car, was going at 160kph and I was doing the same (to keep up, y’know). Most everyone else were just a little bit slower and two bikers even went by at around 180kph. I noticed that the car was still moving along smoothly, no shakiness as when I tried 160kph at Star Tollway. Nice surface indeed.

At the resort, we had ready our board shorts, rash guards, and sunblock. There was only one problem: the surf was FLAT! For the two days! With surfing out of the question, it became just your regular beach outing of swimming, chilling, and kayaking.

It was my first time kayaking but I think I was able to get the hang of it. Michelle and I paddled beyond the far end of Crystal Beach to check out a big cluster of pine. We beached the kayaks then ran across the very hot sand to the pines. We stayed for a bit under the shade of the pines to rest. We then walked and ran back to the kayaks and paddled back to Crystal Beach. It was a total of only about a kilometer but our arms and backs were aching already! Seems to be good upper body work out.

Pork Sinigang

Yesterday, Michelle taught me how to cook pork sinigang. And not just cook but buying the ingredients themselves. As usual, lazy me was questioning whether the effort was worth it. But of course it was: Simply the best pork sinigang . I cooked it, I had a great recipe, and I had a great teacher ;)

Below is the recipe as I recall.

4 cups water
¼ kilo pork
1 sinigang mix :P
3 sliced taro (gabi)
1 sliced eggplant (talong)
4 sliced string beans (sitaw)
4 sliced winged beans (sigarilyas)
½ sliced horse radish (labanos)
4 minced tomatoes (kamatis)
4 sliced okra (okra din)
1 sliced onion (sibuyas)

Wash everything very well ;)

Boil pork in water until tender
Add sinigang mix
Gradually add the rest of ingredients in the order they are listed
Let boil to your preferred level of mushiness

Dreaming In French

Had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamt I was attending French class and the teacher is no other than Catherine Zeta-Jones (does she even speak French?). Anyway what’s significant is that I now have French in my dream and interestingly there is sound. Before this, I couldn’t recall a dream that has sound or maybe it was just something I didn’t care noticing. But now I did for sure. I was hearing myself say: “Vos attention, s’il vous plait. Catherine Zeta-Jones, aller au bureau de l’aeroport.” which seems to be more or less correct French. Hehe.

Nokia 5310 XpressMusic

Black is back. I’ve been eyeing the Nokia 5310 for quite some time already. My primary reason being it’s one of the, if not the smallest, slimmest, lightest phones out there. The personal multimedia player features clinched the deal. However, what held me back was the availability of only red and blue accented models. I thought that a silver accented model would be better. But I was surprised that Nokia actually did one better and released an all black model. Nokia has been releasing black models recently including the 6500, the 6300 (originally in silver), and now the 5310. I guess they finally realized that silver nor pink (supposedly the new black) just isn’t as classic and versatile as black. Of course they’re not the first, Apple had long discovered that black iPods and black iBooks sold better. Welcome back black!