
Foxit Reader Firefox Plugin

Foxit Reader is a leaner and meaner alternative to Acrobat Reader for reading Portable Document Format (PDF) files. I’ve been using it for some time but disliked the fact that PDF files opened outside of Firefox. Finally, while trying to view my credit card statement online and having it complain about needing to install Acrobat Reader, I decided I’ve had enough.

I googled for a solution and found out about the Foxit Reader Firefox Plugin. I looked for it at the Foxit Software website to no avail. Finally I found instructions on how to install it: After downloading and installing Foxit Reader, run it then click Help->Check for Updates Now. On the tree view, you will see the plugin. Select, add, and install it. You may need to restart Firefox but once you’re done, you can now view PDF files from within Firefox. Problem solved!


I’ve just gotten my car back from Fusion R for starter motor repairs when I smacked by another huge repair problem. Michelle and I were just leaving Mall of Asia after some last minute shopping. We were crossing an intersection and I have already cleared the left incoming lane when a speeding taxi suddenly appeared on my right. I hit the brakes but before  I can completely stop, he has clipped me.

The damage to the cab: A dented rear fender. The damage to me: 2 front fenders, 2 headlights, 2 turn lights, and 1 bumper. Christmas suddenly is so much less bright. It’s a good thing that nobody got hurt.

Starter Motor Problem

Michelle and I were at Tagaytay scouting potential spots yesterday. On our way home, we stopped by a shop to buy some pasalubong. When we were about to leave, I turned the key and there was just the sound of a relay clicking and nothing else. I tried to think of a possible reasons why it won’t start but couldn’t find any. So I got out of the car and looked for a mechanic.

Luckily, I found one just a few shops back up the road. The mechanic and I walked back to the car and checked it out. He eventually found the supposed  culprit: a loose plug from the ignition switch to the starter motor. He cleaned it up a bit and then plugged it back in. I turned the key and the engine started.

We proceeded back to Manila and even stopped by for lunch at a Shell station along SLEX. When we reached Manila, we went to Chocolate Lovers and bought some chocolate making implement and ingredients. And then it happened:  I turned the key and there was nothing. I tried to find the plug under the hood  but couldn’t find it. So I looked around for a mechanic again. It was harder going this time around. I finally found a tricycle driver who recommended a mechanic. We went to fetch the mechanic. Once we got back to the car, the mechanic did the same routine and I was able to drive off.

I stopped by the first auto electrical shop I saw and had the problem checked. The mechanic said it looks like the starter motor but I was still hoping it’s just a plug problem so I just had it replaced. When I got home, I tried if it will start again. It didn’t. It definitely looked like the starter motor.

This morning, I went to Fusion R and they confirmed that it is indeed the starter motor. Repair time again. They removed the old starter motor, looked for a replacement, and installed it. Pretty straightforward.

(Car repairs by Fusion R, E. Rodriguez, Q.C. Call them at +632-724-3921 or +63922-853-2700 and ask for Jona)

Blizzard Games Online Store

Since I’ve been playing DOTA quite frequently, I decided to buy Warcraft III and Warcraft III: Frozen Throne. I checked out the prices at the local shops but I was turned off by the price. So I decided to check out Blizzard’s online store. Ordering was easy and soon I was downloading the installers via Blizzard’s custom Bit Torrent client. You also get a personal page where all the games you bought, whether online or boxed, from Blizzard are listed. Since I already have Starcraft and Starcraft: Brood War, I simply registered them and now I have four Blizzard games in my collection which I can retrieve and download any time. Best of all, you can download either the PC or Mac version. I’m loving Blizzard! Maybe I’ll get Diablo II next. Hmmmm.

Diamonds 101

Diamonds are a woman’s best friend. I don’t know what the heck that really means but women definitely do love them and you would most probably find yourself one day looking for your particular one’s best friend.

And when you do, you always hear about the 4 Cs:

Cut – This is how well the diamond was cut. Cut would dictate brilliance (white light reflecting from the diamond), fire (the colored flashes of light), and scintillation (the dark and light pattern when viewed from the top). There are several popular cuts: round brilliant, marquise, oval, emerald, pear, heart, etc. The round brilliant is the stereotypical diamond shape. There’s also this cut called Hearts and Arrows (also known as Hearts on Fire or Eight Star) where you can see eight arrows when viewing the diamond from the top and eight hearts when viewing the diamond from the bottom with a special viewer.

Color – Color indicates how white the diamond is. Diamonds have a range of colors normally ranging from colorless to brown. This tint is cause by impurities such as nitrogen. It would typically be rated as follows:

  • Colorless (D-F) –  Tint nearly undetectable even when compared to white standard
  • Near Colorless (G-H) – Tint almost undetectable but apparent when compared to white standard
  • Near Colorless (I-J) – Trace of tint just detectable but noticeably apparent when compared to white standard
  • Faint Yellow to Faint Brown (K-M) –  Tint apparent and readily apparent when compared to white standard
  • Very Light Yellow to Very Light Brown (N-R) – Tint is easily apparent
  • Light Yellow to Light Brown (S-Z) – Tint is obvious

Clarity – Clarity is how clear the diamond is. Diamonds often have included in their composition other mineral crystals, feathers, breaks, etc. These are called inclusions and affect the diamond’s clarity and, to a certain degree, its durability. It would typically be rated as follows:

  • Flawless (F or FL) – no surface blemishes or inclusions visible with 10x loupe
  • Internally Flawless (IF) – insignificant surface blemishes and no internal at 10x magnification
  • Very, Very Slightly included (VVS1, VVS2) – extremely difficult to very difficult to find surface blemishes or minute inclusions with a 10x loupe
  • Very Slightly included (VS1, VS2) – difficult to somewhat easy to find surface blemishes or minor inclusions with a 10x loupe
  • Slightly Included (SI1, SI2) – easy to very easy to find surface blemishes or readily noticeable inclusions with a 10x loupe but appear to be clean without magnification
  • Imperfect (I1, I2, I3) – surface blemishes or inclusions are somewhat difficult, easy, or very easy to find without magnification

Carat – This is the weight of the stone. One carat is exactly 200 milligrams. But if it’s all about size to you, then you can just go pick up a big rock and knock yourself silly :P

In addition, there are 2 other Cs:

Conflict – Diamonds generally would  come from legitimate mines in Africa, Canada, and Russia. However, diamonds are being used to finance rebel groups engaged in conflict with governments. You don’t want to be financing war.

Certification – There are organizations like the Gemological Institute of America (GIA), that certify diamonds. They provide certification that attests to a diamond’s specific qualities. In addition, they laser etch the certification number along the girdle of the diamond to prevent the possibility of stone swapping. This is one man-made flaw that actually makes a diamond more valuable.

Parts of a Round Brilliant Cut Diamond

Since the round brilliant is the most popular cut, here are its parts:

Table – is the flat top of the diamond

Girdle – is the thin edge along the widest part of the diamond

Culet – is the pointed tip at the bottom of the diamond

Crown – is the part from the table to the girdle

Pavilion – is the part from the girdle to the culet

So there you go. Happy hunting!