
Rolling My Own Java Security Framework

I needed to quickly roll out a small security framework for an app at work. Since it’s a security framework, it must have at the minimum:

  • User Management – add/edit/delete users for administrators and change password for users.
  • Authentication – establish identity of a user by getting user credentials typically via a login page.
  • Authorization – establish if an authenticated user is allowed access to a resource.

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Sunbathing In Clark (2010 Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival)

Jeanne, Michelle, and I went to Clark for some sunbathing today. Okay, so we we’re not really there just for the sun. We went to the 2010 Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival. The balloons were scheduled to fly early so we left the house early since we wouldn’t want to miss the highlight of the show.

After two hours travel, got there just as the balloons were already taking off! The road was congested with cars heading to the show so we decided to hastily stop and park by a side service road. We watched and took pictures as the balloons flew up, farther and farther. We also soaked up the sun which was just coming up. Sunbathing in Clark!

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Batman: Arkham Asylum Times Two

Michelle surprised me with a copy of Batman: Arkham Asylum aka Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth graphic novel for my birthday. That was awesome because aside from being an avid Batman fan (e.g. see this and this), I was also planning to buy and play the PS3 game of the same title. So reading the graphic novel would be a good start. I was about to open and read it when she sprung her second birthday surprise, Batman: Arkham Asylum the PS3 game! What more can you ask for? Thanks, babe! You sure know how to choose a birthday gift. I love you!