
Nissan Sentra 200

I read from TopGear and MotionCars that Nissan Philippines has launched their competing entry into the top-range compact car arena. It’s a crowded place: There’s the Honda Civic 2.0, the Mazda 3 2.0,  the Altis 2.0, the Lancer EX, the Ford Focus 2.0, and the Subaru 2.0RS (AWD!). With such competitors, you would expect Nissan to have brought something new to the table.

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Uncharted is an interactive movie. That’s how I can most accurately describe it. The label interactive movies has been used often but I’ve seen nothing close to how Uncharted seamlessly integrates the elements of a game and movie into one.  The gameplay, acting, cinematography, and direction is superb. It’s not perfect but it’s about the best there is.

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I finally finished Bioshock today. It took some time because of two things. First, Michelle gave me Batman: Arkham Asylum for my birthday just as I was about to start. I’m a Batman fan. So it was no contest.

The other reason is that the game is so frustratingly difficult. And it has no checkpoint system common to newer games. There’s a resurrection mechanism called “vita-chambers” but it leaves you with less than what you started with. I had to resort to save-play-die-reload cycle so many times. In the more difficult sections, I was seeing the load screen more than actually playing. It didn’t help that the saved games take so long to load!

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Michelle’s mom, who has been taking care of Jeanne when Michelle and I are off to work, had to attend another granddaughter’s graduation rites. Unfortunately, Michelle couldn’t take a day off. So it was up to me, the intrepid dad, to take on the daunting task of babysitting for the day.

It started off quite early, Jeanne woke up at around 6 and started talking to us in her baby language. We couldn’t really understand a single thing, of course, but at least we’re communing, if not directly communicating, with her.

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