
Resident Evil 5

James and I finally finished playing Resident Evil 5. This is the 5th installment of the Resident Evil series but I haven’t actually played any of the previous games. So I started this with a clean expectations and a pretty open mind. Of course, this didn’t help making the storyline any clearer. As I said in my review of Metal Gear Solid 4, there’s something about Japanese story lines that make them convoluted and, sometimes, even incomprehensible.

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Playing Plumber

The kitchen sink at home developed a leak. It turned out that the cold water supply hose had deteriorated and was leaking. Because I didn’t have time to look closer, I just closed the water supply valve to the sink and asked Michelle to buy a new hose.  The next day, she bought a 1/2″ to 1/2″ hose which according to the salespeople at the hardware store is the normal sink hose. But when I looked under the sink, it didn’t look like it will fit the faucet end at all.

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Back To Makati

Back to Makati after a few months at Alabang.  Makati is nearer but it takes about the same time or even longer to get from home to work. Going to Makati is a traffic-congested snail-paced affair. Going to Alabang is a leisurely drive with a enough traffic just to make it interesting. Plus it’s at highway speeds so the fuel consumption ends up around the same. There is no toll fee to Makati but you pay the same amount for parking. I’m actually missing Alabang. Damn!